Chapter Forty

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I was way too hot when I woke up. I groaned slightly and frowned, trying to roll over. Something was holding me down but I eventually managed to get onto my other side. Jay was still sleeping, he heavy arm thrown over me. I smiled widely and leaned up to kiss him softly. 

He mumbled and frowned, stirring slightly. 

"Kaidan...?" he asked quietly, opening one eye slightly. 

He smiled slightly when he saw me and closed his eye again. He groaned slightly and stretched, lifting his arm off me. I sighed in relief and he smiled wider in bemusement. 

"What?" he asked, his voice a little rough.

"I was just really hot," I said quietly, sitting up slightly and throwing the duvet off me. 

"You still are," he grinned. 

I rolled my eyes and lay down next to him again, on my side to face him. 

"Sleep well?" I asked as I leant over to kiss him softly. 

He smiled and kissed me back. "Better than I have in a long time," he said quietly, as if he was wondering about it. 

"You have such a comfy bed," I murmured, rolling onto my front, to get closer to him mainly. 

He smiled wider and stroked down my back gently, making me shiver. He continued past my hips and to my entrance. I blushed and bit my lip, hiding my face in the mattress. I heard his soft chuckle and felt his lips, cool compared to my boiling skin, press against my shoulder blade. I peeked up at him and he smiled wider. 

"Come on, let's get up. I think we both need a shower," he teased softly. 

I blushed and looked over him. He seemed mostly fine, but I didn't even want to think about my front. 

"I'll start the shower," he said and kissed me quickly before getting up and giving me a view of his beautiful body. I bit my lip as I watched him. He smirked and went into the bathroom. 

There seemed to be a bit of messing around before he was calling me and I could hear the shower running. I got up and went into the bathroom. He was waiting for me by the shower. 

I grinned and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I leant up and kissed him gently. He kissed me back and pulled me into the shower. I shivered slightly at the sudden change of temperature and pulled away from him. He reached for the sponge and body wash, starting to wash my belly. I blushed and peeked up at him, knowing what he was cleaning away.

We spent a little while in the shower before he was satisfied we were clean enough. He turned the shower off and headed out. I watched him go and frowned, wondering why he was being so quiet. I followed him quickly.

"Jay? What's wrong?" I asked, following him into the walk-in wardrobe.

"Hm? Oh, nothing... I was just thinking..." he trailed off.

"It's obvious there's not nothing wrong, so tell me, please," I begged, standing a few feet away from him as he looked through his clothes for today. 

He sighed a little and turned around to face me, leaning back against the chest of drawers.

"I just... I was thinking about my first time," he said quietly, his eyes glazing over. 

My heart started to hurt and I walked over to him slowly, wrapping my arms around him. 

"It's okay," I said quietly, trying to reassure him, knowing he was thinking of his dad. 

"The way you say it makes me almost believe you," he muttered, stroking my back lightly. 

"You should believe me, because it's all fine. Everything's just fine. He's not here, and he never will be, but I am, so just relax and stop thinking about him. That's an order." I squeezed him tightly, just for a moment. 

I sensed his smile and looked up at him, seeing that wonderful slight curve of his lips, so genuine that it meant more than any grin or laugh he could ever show me. He kissed me softly and turned in my arms to get clothes out for the day. 

When we were both dressed, him his usual sexy self and me in jeans that were a size too big for me. I damned my small figure, but I was definitely not turning up the jeans. That was a complete no-no. I looked up from doing the belt up around my waist, to see Jay watching me. 

I blushed a little. "Oh shut up," I mumbled, walking towards him. 

He laughed slightly and took my hand. "I didn't say anything."

"I know but--" I paused. There was a strange sound of Hoovering downstairs. I looked up at Jay and he had a similar expression on his face. 

He walked slowly but purposefully down the stairs. I followed, slightly worried. 

"Jay...?" I whispered. 

"Hush, kitten," he said quietly and continued down. 

The bottom floor creaked when I stepped on it and I cringed a little, pausing. The Hoovering continued as it was. 

"Hello?" Jay called out.

"Hey!" I scolded hushedly. "Haven't you seen any horror movies?"

He grinned slightly and followed the sound into the kitchen. 

"Children, please!" he exclaimed and covered my eyes. I yelped loudly and grabbed onto his wrists. 

"Jay!" I exclaimed, pulling his hands from my face. I frowned at the sight in front of me. 

Jay's friend, Ollie I think, was in the arms of a taller guy, the Hoover we could hear forgotten on the floor. 

"They're just kissing, Jay, what's the problem?" I asked, looking up at him. 

He looked back at me bemusedly, a small smile on his face. "Alright then."

"Sorry, Jay, I was cleaning and Finny distracted me," Ollie said and blushed, looking up at who I assumed was Finny. 

Jay sighed a little and looked to me as if he was about to explain who this guy was. I ignored him and looked at Finny instead. 

"You're Ollie's Master?" I asked curiously. Everyone blinked at me in surprise. I looked around at them. "What? What did I say?"

(A/N Bit of an awkward and sad morning-after for Jay but yaaaay, Ollie! And we finally get to meet his Master, Finny. He's so cute in my head :3 hehe. Think he would be played by Tyler Posey, picture to the riiiiight! Chapter dedicated to Our_lord_satan for her simple, amazing comment on last chapter! Love you all as always! ~Beka)

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