Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Erika's POV

We got to the hotel, met up with Everyone. Coincidentally Ling, Lan Fan, and Mei were coming today, too. We met them, then found Mustang and his Team to pick us up. We were in the same hotel, with our rooms right next to each other!

Talk about Luck.

I met everyone before, but I enjoy seeing them often. So we had four rooms all together, each room had two beds...And Mustang was paying for ours...Ed was grinning like a madman when we all found out his plan.

So it was like this: Ed and Me in one room, Dan and Winry in one room, and because she was here, Al and Mei. Ling and Lan Fan were together in another room.

The minute my bags hit the floor, I jumped to the bed and smiled peacefully at the softness against my back, "This feels soooo good!" I exclaimed, before closing my eyes.

I fell asleep.


That night, the three of us girls got into my (and Ed's) room, and began dressing up. We all changed into the dresses, then put on some make-up. Then we made our hair.

My dress was a nice, long, strapless, lavender gown. Winry's was a light Blue, also strapless, knee-length. Mei's was a Xingese...yeah, I don't know what to call it...But it looked nice, "Ready?" I asked.

"Ready." The others said, we got out of the room and I have to admit, the boys looked really handsome...


"This is fun." A girl I met, Angel, was saying. Dan was talking to Winry at the corner. "Yeah I know." I replied, looking for Ed, "So who did you come with?" I asked her. She smiled happily, "My family. Dad's a state Alchemist, the light-water alchemist."

"I wonder what that is..." I mumbled, "That's cool."

"Yeah, and my older sister, Nina. oh and of course, my mom. So who did you come with?" I think she noticed I was looking around, Ed was no where in sight and I was freaking out. But in a big place like this, it's normal. Right? Right!

"I came with my best friend Winry, her boyfriend, Dan, and my boyfriend, Ed and his younger brother Alphonse."

"Who's the Alchemist?"

"Ed. He's the FullMetal Alchemist."

"Whoa, cool! He's really important you know?"

"Yeah...I know..." I said, before I caught sight of Al and Mei. "Al! Mei! Come here a minute!" I called. I'm glad they heard me, so they came over. "Guys this is Angel."



"Ok," I asked, "Has anyone seen Ed? Please say you have, I lost him, like, and hour ago." Al nodded, "Didn't he tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He's gone for the speech with Roy."



"...You're kidding me..."


"That idiot! he got me so worried over nothing!" I practically shouted. "Well, thanks. Bye." They said bye and left, leaving me with Angel, and we spent the night talking and laughing, and I made a new friend. Nice.


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