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Hey guys! This is my new fanfic (FullMetal Alchemist, Of course!) Hope you guys like it! ^-^

I Only own Erika and her family!

Ps. I know Aaron Dismuke wasn't cast as Alphonse in Brotherhood, but I kinda prefer him- although yes, Maxey did a pretty good job :)

Also I have another fma fanfic (which I like better than this but yeah xD ) which revolves mostly around Ed, I guess, called 'They Can't Replace My Real Family' so if you wanna check that out too, that'd be great.

Anyways, on with the story.



"Hey guys!" A five year old blond girl called. She ran over to her three best friends, the two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, and their close friend Winry Rockbell.

"Hey Erika." They said.

She sat down between the brothers. Her blonde hair was slightly covering her light brown eyes and she kept trying to move it away. She was a sweet girl who always cared for everyone. Especially her mom and best friends.

Winry loved automail, also known as prosthetic limbs, she'd try to make some just like her grandmother Pinako.

Alphonse and Edward were something else, really. They loved Alchemy and would practice whenever they got the chance. A lot of people would call alchemy dangerous, others found it helpful, the Elric brothers just wanted to learn.

The one thing Erika loved best, wasn't Alchemy, or automail, she loved martial arts. And was already an expert. Although she extremely hated violence, she knew that if she had to, she would do it. She was also good at drawing, but could be lazy sometimes.

"Anything new today?" Winry asked her.

She shook her head, "Nope! Aiden's gonna be one soon and he's giving mom a really hard time. But mom and dad are arguing again..." she felt tears prick her eyes. She hated their fights.

She didn't care about her dad much, she didn't even trust him anymore but for some reason, she felt something worse would happen if he left them.

"Hey," Ed tried to calm her down, along with the other two, "It'll be fine, Eri. Nothing will happen and if it does then we'll be here with you."

Alphonse turned to her and smiled, "Yeah! We'll all live happily and always be best friends! Right?"

"Of course we will." Winry grinned. The four smiled at each other. "Race you to the lake!" she shouted before running off. The three stared at each other and raced after her.

The four were best of friends. Then one day Erika didn't show up to school. Or the next, or the next. Until Ed, Winry and Al were told Erika and her family had disappeared. The three were upset. But Ed, as usual, was determined to find her.


Hey! Hope you like it! :)

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