Chapter 4

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Disclaimer; I still don't own fma. And I only own Erika, Aiden, Tristian and their family.


Chapter 4

Erika's POV

"Erika?" Ed asked.

I grinned, no point in hiding it now.

"Great, you recognised me. Hey Ed."

"No way! Erika? But... how?" Al was asking.

"I'll tell you later."

Mrs Curtis seemed surprised, "So you all know each other?"

"Childhood friends," I replied.

"Alright, well, anyway, help me cook and set the table."

"Ok," I bent down, "Aiden you need any help before I get to work?" Aiden was pulling out a math book and his pencil.


"Fine. Ask me if you need any help," I said before walking in to the kitchen.

Mrs Curtis was already in there so I  just walked up to her and helped. "Heat this up," She instructed, "and answer this: what's going on between you and the Elric Brothers?" I took the rice from her and began to heat it.

"Nothing really," I replied, "My dad decided to move to Central when I was five, before that you know I lived in Resembool, and I was friends with the Elrics and another girl there..."

"They don't know, do they?"

"No... and I don't plan to tell them... not yet, at least..."

"Any news about him?"


"Good, you know you can count on us right? Come whenever you can?"

"Yeah, I know..." I began cutting the vegetables when Ed came in.

"Anything I can help with?"

"Yeah, set the table." I replied coldly. It didn't feel right... I just thought...what if we ended up fighting over what happened that day? Or if we fight over the reason I moved away? I didn't want to face it, and I was too scared to go back... I shook my head.

I would be fine...

Ed's POV

"Yeah, set the table." Erika said coldly, how is she acting like this all of a sudden? She's really changed. I set the table and then went to sit to down, those two kids were also sitting there.

"So who are you?" I asked.

The looked at each other, the younger boy said, "We're sis' brothers! Hi, I'm Tristian."

The other one smiled, "I'm Aiden. We're Erika's Brothers, incase you didn't understand my idiot brother, here."

"Hey!" Tristian complained. 

"You guys should learn to get along." I said before looking around, "Hey did you see Al?"

"Nope." they replied. I sure hope he's alright. When I turned I managed to see him talking to Sig...

"You're the FullMetal Alchemist, right?" Tristian asked me. I nodded. "You're so cool! We heard all kinds of stories about you at school, but Sis decided she didn't wanna hear them."

I grinned, so one of Eri's brothers thought I was cool, eh? "So," I asked, "What's wrong with your sister?"

"We don't know why she's so mad at you. I gave her this old, red album I found and she smiled while looking through the pictures. She said she missed you and your brother."

Then why is she acting so cold towards me? I thought.

"How old are you, anyway?"



Now I know why Tristian's so loud, the kid loves anything; he's four.

Erika's POV

After dinner, at about 8:00, I told the boys we'd be leaving soon. While I cleaned up, Al called me, and I cared about the kid so much before, I couldn't be cold to him! No way, he didn't do anything wrong!

But neither did Ed...

But Ed was curious, and a little pushy, if I let one thing slip he'd go through the whole load!

So I followed Al outside. "Eri," he started, "Why are you acting so rude to brother?" I knew I looked guilty.

"I... It's just... I'm scared, Al."

"Of what?"

"His reaction, and if any fights occur... I can't lose you guys... Not after I just found you..."

"Brother may be a stubborn guy, but I don't really think you should be like that to him."

"Maybe you're right..." I murmured. Then as he began walking away I realised something, "I can sense it."

"Huh?" Al sounded pretty confused, I ran up to him and kicked off the helmet, just as Ed came walking by. Oh great. "Your armor, it's empty." Ed looked annoyed, I looked at him.

"Your left leg. It's automail, isn't it? what else?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. He sighed... was that guilt in his eyes?

"My right arm." He said. 

"What did you idiots do?!" I shouted.

They both looked down, "...human transmutation..." Ed mumbled.

"THE HELL?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!" I shouted, then I realised something else completely, "...wait...who?"

"Our mom."


Vote and Comment guys! Love ya! <3

~Cece :3

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