Chapter 12

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2nd Chapter in a day! Sounds good to me! :)

Chapter 12

Erika's POV

It'd been a week since the phone call. But I was fine. Everything was just fine. I was calm, the boys were fine. We were all...almost relaxed...Ed, Al, and Dan, were watching over me and the boys. I spoke to Winry and she's helped me out alot.

Ed just got off the phone. "So...Mustang invited us to a...ehm...a 'ball' for state alchemists and stuff."

"But...Ed, you're not a state alchemist anymore..." I trailed off. Should I mention it? Eh, it was fine. He shook his head, "It's for all kinds of people. State Alchemists and former -important- state alchemists have to attend a...really, long, boring, speech."

"-And you are one of them." I finished for him. He nodded, "Yeah...So! You, Winry, Al and Dan are coming. Mustang said Ling and Lan Fan are coming along with Mei..."

"Do tell..." I said, laughing. "Who Else do we know, who is coming?" I asked in my 'does-this-make-sense' voice.

"Well," He replied, "There's all of us, without Tristian and Aiden, Ling, Lan Fan, Mei, Mustang, Hawkeye, the team...and some others that we know."

"Well, that sounds nice." I had become friends with Hawkeye a year or so back, Winry and I are good friends with her. "Fine." I agreed.

"I'm gonna go tell the others."

"Ok, bye!"

He waved and I closed the door behind them, plopping backwards onto the couch, "Sis! We're home!" I heard Tristian's voice, I saw two kids, upside down...well, I was the one upside down...I saw Aiden and Tristian coming back from school, putting their bags on the floor and running upstairs...from here it looked like they were running downstairs.

I laughed at the thought.

I was in the same position when they came back, "Something wrong, Eri?" Aiden asked. I shook my head, "Nah." Then I thought a little bit. "Guys, Ed, Al, Winry, Dan and I are probably going to Central soon for a...ehm...Mustang called it a 'ball'. I'm gonna call it a drag... But you know it's a party so something good should come out of it..."

They nodded.

"So I'm gonna talk to Granny Pinako to watch you both. So, stay out of trouble while we're gone and I'll take you to the lake for a whole day, deal?"

The looked at each other and smiled. "Deal."

Right at that moment the others came in, "Ok! Everyone's coming, we're all leaving for Central tomorrow! Granny Pinako's taking care of the kids, I talked to her early for you."

"Then it's settled!" I shouted, before tumbling down from the couch, hitting the floor and jumping up. "Now." I said, "I'm going to the kitchen to make dinner. Winry, helping?"

"Definately!" The two of us ran to the kitchen and began cooking.


"-And listen to granny Pinako! Got it?" I said.

"Yeah, we got it."

The five of us got into the train, and I waved bye to Tristian and Aiden.

We were on our way to Central.


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