I hate being a Shisno

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In the Medieval times, the blue sky pans down to a lone stone parapet. A lute can be heard playing in the background. Two knights - one wearing orange and the other wearing maroon - stand guard atop the watchtower armed with crossbows, before having an all too familiar conversation, albeit in Old English.

Maroon Knight: Ho!

Orange Knight: Hark?

Maroon Knight: Doth thee ever wonder wherefore we be hither?

Orange Knight: Ah, one of life's most wondrous mysteries. Wherefore art we hither? Art we the product of some cosmic coincidence? Or perhaps the Lord God doth watch over everything after all? I knoweth not, good sir, but it doth keep me up at night.


Maroon Knight: What? I meanst wherefore art we out here? Betwixted in this canyon? What wast all yon stuffeth about God?

Orange Knight: Wha- ! (chuckles) No! It- It was- It was naught. It was naught!

Maroon Knight: Doth thee... wanteth to speaketh it?

Orange Knight: Nay.

Maroon Knight: Are thee sure?

Orange Knight: Oh- um, yea.

Maroon Knight: Loseth not thy faith, my unfusty cousin. The Lord God doth gaze upon all of us from His high seat on the throne of Heaven. He hath a purpose for each one of us! I assure you, we art all part of His holy plan!

Unbeknownst to the two of them, a pink portal opens up behind them. The camera zooms into the portal as it zooms through a blue tunnel while a voice speaks.

Muggins: There is an unwritten rule in our universe, where the greatest changes hinge on the humblest of actions. A trick, an act of friendship, a slice of pepperoni pizza. Suddenly, all is lost. The end is nigh...

A montage showing some of the latter moments from the previous season are shown while the voice continues to speak.

Muggins: The fates told us that the beginning of our end was an ending of its own, but their prophecy came too late. Not before the Reds and Blues have vanquished their foe. Not before their foe had activated the temporal vortex. Most critically, not before the device fulfilled its true purpose. We watched in horror, my lord, unable to prevent the calamity that follows.

The Reds, Blues, Chorus Lieutenants, along with CAROLINA, DOC, DYLAN ANDREWS, and JAX JONES all stand together not too long after the ending of the previous episode.

Grif: I could eat a horse!

Carolina: With you, I'm worried that's not a figure of speech.

Grif: That's a figure of speech?

Simmons: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Grif: Whatever, are we done here? 'Cuz I got some volleyballs to spike in this fucking volcano.

Simmons: Was that an attempt at a metaphor?

Tucker: Yo, are we serious about grub? My stomach is rumbling! With all the fighting and shooting, I think we skipped a meal or three.

Sarge: There ain't no good reason to go out for chow! We still got MRE's to spare! I've got an emergency supply stuffed in Lopez for this very situation!

Carolina: You seriously keep food in Lopez?

Sarge: Yes ma'am, right up his keister! Waaaay deep in there, next to his radioisotope nuclear generator! They always stay nice and toasty! Mm-mm.

Sister: Kinky.

Palomo: Gross!

Simmons: You think that's gross? Just wait till you see where the condiments come out...

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