We need counseling

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Fade in to Armonia overlooking a nearby garage. Cut to Doc.

Doc: So, you think you can just send me to another dimension, forget my very existence, and then expect me to help you when you're in trouble?

Cut to the Reds and Blues.

Sarge: Yes.

Doc: Finally! All I ever wanted was to be included... (in O'Malley's voice) Mwhaha! This is why no one respects you. (normal voice) Come on O'Malley! Don't be such a negative nancy. (O'Malley's voice) If you had a dog, it'd chew through it's leash and run into traffic.

Simmons: Hey, I had a dog that did that.

Grif: Surprising no one.

Washington and Alaska rushes towards the group.

Washington: There you are! What hell have you all been doing?

Tucker: Oh, just a little thing we like to call saving the planet!

Alask: We've got Kimballs' men threatening to leave the Capital, while Doyle's forces are setting up a perimeter to keep them in! If we don't act soon we're gonna have another civil war on our hands!

Sarge: Don't you worry your pretty little yellow striped head, Wash! We've got everything under control.

Washington: How!?

Doc: An honest and down-to-earth counseling session!

Washington/Alaska: ... What?

Cut to the Reds and Blues standing in the War Room with Kimball and Doyle. Doc is facing them.

Doc: A counseling session. Just you two and your closest friends, here to talk and support you.

Kimball: This is a waste of time.

Doyle: I concur.

Doc: See, you're already agreeing on things! The system works!

Washington: (to Kimball and Doyle, quietly) I am so sorry.

Alaska: Me too,

Doc: Okay! Let's start things off with a little roleplay, shall we?

Donut: Yeah! Dibs on police officer!

Simmons: ...What?

Doc: C'mon, don't be shy! Look, it's easy! (turns to Grif) Grif, why don't you pretend to be me, and I'll pretend to be you!

Grif: Uhhh... Hey, everybody, look at me, I'm Doc...

Doc: (in O'Malley's voice) And I'm Dexter Grif! Reporting for duty. Oh, wait, never mind! I forgot that I'm a worthless sack of human excrement, that wouldn't be caught dead following orders, because I'm too busy wishing my parents loved me as much as my sister, hahaha! Maybe if I had a stable father figure growing up I wouldn't be so opposed to order, but I guess that's just what happens when your mother turns tricks behind the elephant cage at the circus, hahahaha! Here Dex, have some more cotton candy! Hahahahaha!

Moment of silence as everyone looks at Grif simultaneously.

Grif: (lowers head sadly) It was a nice circus...

Doc: (in normal voice) Ohhhh, gosh... sorry about that... maybe we should try something else.

Sarge: (watching Grif mourn) I don't know, I think we're making progress!

Cut to space, where the Tartarus is seen orbiting around Chorus. Several asteroids asre scattered around the ship.

Counselor: (off screen) The Meta?

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