Watch the neighborhood

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Lopez Dos: ¿Un espantapájaros?
Caption:A scarecrow!?

Lopez: Si.

Lopez Dos: Se fueran a pasar el rato con todas las verduras.
Caption:They just left you to hang out with all the vegetables?

Lopez: Toma 90 días para cultivar maíz.
Caption:It takes about 90 days to grow corn.

Lopez Dos: ¡Eso es terrible!
Caption:That's terrible!

Lopez: Que no era la mejor.
Caption:It was not the best.

Sarge: Hey Lopezes! Why don't you two come over here and gimme a hand? I always gotta get on my knees to work on this thing, but I figure it'd be easier if you just held it at chest level instead!

Lopez Dos: Si señor.
Caption:Yes Sir.

Lopez: Espera. Es una cosa acerca de está gente que no me gusta.
Caption:Wait. There is one thing about these people I do like.

Lopez Dos: ¿Qué?

Lopez: ¡Sargento! ¿Porqué no quieres que se siente miedo por recrear de vuelta?
Caption:Hey Sarge! Why don't you want to get on your knees? Afraid it might bring back some repressed memories?

Sarge: Heh heh, oh Lopez you old kidder you. Now come on, time's a-wastin'.

Lopez Dos:¡Oye Sargento... hueles!
Caption:Hey Sarge... you smell!

Sarge: Hah! Oh, now don't tell me he's got you in on it too, heh heh heh. Lopez, you are rambunctious.

Lopez: A veces se conforma conversaciones. Eres un [non understandable word].
Caption:Sometimes he makes up entire conversations. You suck.

Sarge: It is a lovely day, isn't it?

Lopez Dos: ¡Y no es inteligente!
Caption:And you aren't smart!

Sarge: Thank you for noticing. I have been hitting the gym.

Lopez: ¡Tu madre es tan gorda que utiliza un escala de Richter!
Caption:Your mother is so fat she uses a Richter scale!

Lopez Dos: ¡Y es una puta!
Caption:And she is a whore!

Sarge: Heh heh, you guys are like a coupla three stooges. Well, whenever you two are done goofin' off, head on over! I just need to make a few more adjustments.

Lopez: Quedece conmigo chico y te irá bien.
Caption:Stick with me kid and you're going to be just fine.Cut to Wash approaching Blue Base

Washington: Here goes nothing.

Freckles cuts him off

Freckles:Agent Washington.

Washington: Oh- Freckles, I- I didn't see you there. Man for a behemoth you hide really well.

Freckles: You have failed to uphold your duty to Captain Caboose.

Washington: But I was on my way up now, ready to clean the base.

Freckles: You lack diligence, Agent Washington.


Freckles:You question authority, Agent Washington.

Wash starts slowly backing up

Washington: Um... Caboose, can you come out here?

Freckles: You must be, eliminated, Agent Washington.

Washington: Caboose!

Caboose: Hello.

Washington: Your pet is trying to kill me!

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