Crashing the Crash Site!

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Fade in to the algae lake at the New Republic Headquarters. Kimball is seen staring at the lake. Felix approaches her.

Kimball: What do you want?

Felix: Just wanted to see how you were doing.

Kimball: "How am I doing?" How do you think I'm doing?! I put all of our hope into the hands of a bunch of strangers and they run off and get themselves killed!

Felix: It was a leap of faith. Sometimes you fall.

Kimball: Well, we're falling fast. ...I believed in them. Especially in Alaska!

Felix: And they believed in us.

Kimball: (angrily) What are you talking about? THEY LEFT US!

Felix: Kimball, they accomplished their mission. They actually managed to rescue their friends, and they were going to come back - I saw it myself. They wanted to end this war. They wanted peace for Chorus.

Kimball: Well, what good does that do us now?

Felix: Plenty.

Kimball turns to face Felix.

Felix: If you go back up there, and you tell those men that their heroes died fighting for them, then you can turn this tragedy into something more. Turn it into fuel for one last fire.

Kimball: Felix, they're mourning.

Felix: When they should be fighting! Vanessa, how many people have we lost at this point? Do you think it'd even count? The only thing different about these soldiers is that they inspired us. And I'm telling you, they can stillinspire us even though they're gone. ...I was waiting to tell you, I recovered some data from the compound. The Feds are all gathering in the capital this week, and I mean all of them. Some sort of rally or something, I don't have all the details, but it sounds like they're getting ready for one last push. I guess without the Reds and Blues they think they can finally put an end to us. But I think we need to hit them first.

Kimball: You want to storm Armonia? That's insane.

Felix: I want all of us to do it! Think about it: One mission that could end everything. We may never have another chance at this.

Kimball: (sadly) I told Alaska and Tucker the same thing...

Felix: You've got an army up there that wants to avenge their heroes! I say it's time you let them.

Kimball: (sighs) Okay. Okay-okay, this could work. No, it will work! It has to.

Felix: Now there's the leader I know. Never give up, right?

Kimball: Right! (walks forward) Transfer that data to my personal computer. Then let's get a meeting together in the war room.

Felix: You got it boss!

Kimball: And Felix... thank you. For everything.

Felix: I'm just doing my job.

Cut to the Blood Gulch Crew lined up at the forest base. The Blues are lined up on the left and the Reds are lined up on the right.

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