Dawn of awesome

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The words "Meta and Sharkface vs. Carolina and Alaska: Dawn of Awesome" float into frame. Cut to Valhalla, where Grif and Simmons are seen standing at Red base.

Grif: Hey.

Simmons: Yeah?

Grif: You ever wonder...who'd win in a fight between Carolina and Alaska and the Meta with Sharkface?

Simmons: Pfft, no! Only hopeless nerds on the Internet care about that kind of crap.

Grif: Uh, yeah. Why do you think I'm asking you? Come on, picture it. It'd be totally bad-ass!

Simmons: Well, yeah, I'd guess... Carolina and Alaska would definitely win though.

Grif: Bullshit! You're just picking her because you're scared of girls! Meta's WAY scarier like Sharkface. He threw a Warthog at me!

Simmons: Oh, I didn't realize "scariness" was the deciding factor in a fight to the fucking death! Genius!

Caboose: Hey Reds! What are you talking about?

Simmons: Oh, Grif was just asking what would happen if Carolina with Alaska and Meta with Sharkface fought.

Caboose: Fought who?

Simmons: One another.

Caboose: Another who?

Simmons: What?!

Caboose: What?

Grif: Just ignore him.

Caboose: Oh...you mean DEATH BATTLE!?

Simmons: I mean, sure?

Caboose: Oh! Awesome! Hang on, I know some smart people that can help! Be right back!

Simmons: Do you have any idea what he's talking about?

Grif: No, but I DO know that you're still fucking wrong.

Caboose: Okay, I'm back.

Simmons: That was fast.

Caboose: Yep, I called Command and they sent two of their best scientist fighting people to help us!

Simmons: Their best? Really?!

Boomstick: And THAT'S how you write your name in buckshot.

Wiz: Alright, alright, enough screwing around. We've got a job to do.

Boomstick: Oh, fine...

Grif: I think you're forgetting that Command's best is just a step up from incompetent.

Simmons: They sent us Donut.

Grif: I rest my case.

Caboose: Introducing... Jizz and Broomstick!  Ick, ick, ick, ick...

Wiz: It's "Wiz" and "Boomstick".

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