My Dish best served

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Sharkface jumps over the hilltop and slides down the mountainside. When he reaches the plateau at the frozen lake he starts running and turns around to look behind him.

Sharkface: Huh?

He sees Alaska, who jumps at him and delivers a straight punch to his face. Sharkface reels from the punch, when Alaska somersaults and makes a butterfly kick downwards onto his head again and then kicks him back into a pile of snow, where he is knocked down. Cut to Alaska in a fighting pose.

Alaska: Heh, still got it.

Suddenly Sharkface appears behind Alaska, takes his DMR and kicks him onto the ground. His Magnum also drops from him. He turns to face Sharkface.

Alaska: What the hell?!

Sharkface: You're very efficient at administrating pain, Alaska. (kicks away the Magnum as he speaks) But pain is something I've learned to live with. So did Natalie I believe.

Sharkface throws away Alaska rifle. It slides a little on the ice, until stopping.
Cut to Crash Site Alpha. A Rebel is firing from cover.

Fed: Incoming!! (slides into the cover)

Rebel: Hey, whoa whoa whoa! What do you think you're doing?

Fed: What?

Rebel: You go find your own cover! This is mine!

Fed: No way! We can share it!

Rebel: (stands up) Over my dead body! (a sniper bullet to the head kills him)

Fed: (melodically) Irony.

Cut to a cloaked Locus reloading his sniper rifle.

Tower 2 Pirate: (over radio) Tower 2 here. We're picking up enemy aircraft on our radar. Looks like they're staying out of range.

Locus: Hold position. By the time reinforcements arrive (cut to view from Locus' sniper scope viewing the battlefield) there'll be noone left for them to save. (starts aiming for Jensen and Palomo shooting from behind a boulder)

Washington: (over radio) You really should've killed when you had the chance, Locus.

Tower 2 Pirate: Who's that?

Washington: (over radio) I know you can hear me. I made sure this was broadcasting on all open channels.

Locus: (walks toward the cliff face of his sniper nest) Reckless behavior, even for you.

Washington: (over radio) I guess I'm just full of disappointments. You know, I've been thinking about the last time you and Alaska met. The questions you asked him.

Locus: We're past the point of talk, Agent Washington. Goodbye.

Washington: (over radio) I'm at the southwest side of the crash site. (Locus looks through the scope and suddenly sees Wash's helmet pop up from behind cover) You still don't feel like talking?

Locus: (shoots) No.

Cut to Washington picking up his helmet, which was attached to the end of his Battle Rifle. He puts the helmet on.

Washington: Please tell me you caught the vapor trail on that shot.

Cut to Smith and Bitters behind cover, watching over the situation.

Washington: (over radio) He's not gonna fall for the same trick twice.

Bitters: Oh, we got him.

Smith: (he and Bitters stand up) Open fire!

The two start to shoot, until they hit Locus, disarming him and decloaking him as well. Locus runs down from his sniping spot to cover.

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