Training Daze

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Fade in to a static screen, which soon clears up. Jensen, Palomo, and Bitters are seen through Smith's HUD.

Jensen: Eureka!

Palomo: Is it working? (yells) Hello! Can you hear me?!

Bitters: Yes! Jesus! What's the point of this again?

Cut to Tucker.

Tucker: This is going to make you all better fighters. Tell 'em Simmons.

Simmons: Jensen and I have installed capture software into all of our helmets, allowing us to transmit what we saw on the battlefield to a local server.

Palomo: Wait. Do they only record on the battlefield, or are they recording all the time?

Simmons: All the time, duh.

Palomo: Uhh, I don't know how i feel about that.

Tucker: Dude, it's fine.

Palomo: But what if it records us doing something embarrassing? Like looking at Jensen's butt or something.

Jensen: Excuse me!?

Simmons: Just don't look at Jensen's butt, Palamo.

Palomo: Well now I'm way more aware of her butt than usual and it's throwing me off.

Alaska: Palomo!

Palomo: You know what? I'm just going to look at the ceiling.

Bitters: I still don't see how this is suppose to make us any better.

Tucker: It's like this: sometimes you're with a lady, right? And she wants to spice things up. So, you're like 'boom' - video camera. And she's into it and then you're like "ahh yeah", but what's even better is that later you can go back and look at those tapes and figure out what was really working and what you can do better.

Smith: So, it's like football coaches reviewing clips of past games?

Tucker: ...Sure, if you're into football coaches and that works better for you, I guess. No judgments.

Alaska: Your the fucking worst.

Grif: All right, we're good to go.

Simmons: You set up the training weapons?

Grif: I told someone else to set up the training weapons.

Simmons: You make a great manager.

Grif: I've said it for years.

Simmons: Sorry, I meant terrible. You make a terrible manager.

Grif: Whatever. You say tomato, I order a subordinate to say to-mah-to.

Tucker: Okay, so our mission today will be to disarm and apprehend an enemy soldier.

Smith: Take out one guy? That's do-able.

Cut to Felix from afar, sharpening his knife.

Tucker: The soldier is Felix.

Felix: Uh, what?

Tucker: If we can take out the best fighter in the New Republic, I say we stand a pretty good chance against any of those Feds.

Felix approaches Tucker.

Felix: Yeah, I don't agree to this.

Tucker: You don't have to. Just do what you normally do, but know that you'll have a giant bullseye painted across your back.

Felix: Alright, fine. Bring it on tough guy.

Tucker: I will. And when we capture you, you're gonna tell Kimball that we're approved for the mission.

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