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Fade in to the fueling station.

Carolina: What exactly are you playing at?

Felix: (over radio) Ho ho, okay, easy there darling. I know this is all very exciting, so I'm gonna hand the mike over to my partner here to tell you the details.

Locus: (over radio) It's time you people understood the futility of your situation. We know where you're hiding. We know you are in possession of a single teleportation grenade. And we know that you hold the coordiantes to a particulary valuable radio jammer.

Cut to Locus and Felix standing beside each other at the location of the radio jammer.

Locus: Which is why my partner and I are contacting you from its location.


Cut to a low angle view of the radio jammer, where a Space Pirate is seen aiming his Binary Rifle. Locus walks towards the edge of the structure.

Locus: Make no mistake, you will not be intereferring with today's events.

Tucker: (over radio) Says you! We're the champs of interferring with shit!

Locus: As we speak, the armies of Chorus are converging at the capital, and the battle that ensues will leave no survivors.

Cut back to the Reds and Blues listening to Locus at the fueling station.

Locus: (over radio) If your goal was to save these people... you have failed. But you now have the opportunity to save yourselves.

Washington: What do you mean?

Felix: (over radio) Once the chumps at the capital are all dead, you guys will be the only loose ends left.

Upon hearing this, Dr. Grey sadly lowers her head.

Felix: Now, seeing as you disabled our tracking device, and have the means to teleport anywhere in the world, this poses a somewhat... annoying problem.

Locus: (over radio) Which is why Control has offered to make a deal.

Alaska: Control?

Locus: If you choose to teleport back to your canyon, at Crash Site Bravo, you'll find a small ship waiting to take you home.

Cut to Locus at the radio jammer station.

Locus: But if you fail to arrive within the hour, we will find you... and we will kill you.

Grif: (over radio) I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on that.

Cut back to the Reds and Blues.

Simmons: Yeah, why should we believe anything you say?!

Locus: (over radio) See for yourselves.

A low rumbling sound is heard nearby, catching the Blood Gulch Crew's attention. They run towards the open field of the fueling station towards the sound and spot the ship, which transported Donut, Lopez, and Doc to Chorus, getting ready for its departure.

Lopez: Bueno. Yo les creo. [Okay. I believe them.]

Donut: You're right, Lopez! That is the ship that dropped us off.


Locus: (over radio) It's fully functional and on route to the canyon now.

The ship flies off.

Alaska: So you got a ship. How are we suppose to know you won't shoot us the second we arrive?

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