Chapter Five

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I sit on top of the kitchen counter watching Isaac frantically maneuver through the kitchen. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He is desperate in his attempt to make us an edible meal tonight. I laugh to myself as I watch him run back and forth like his head is cut off. I want to help him but decided against it when I see the determined look on his sweet face. His usually kept hair is now disheveled from running his fingers through it in frustration. How hard could spaghetti be?

"You know, staring at me while I'm cooking doesn't make things any easier. If anything, your making me nervous. Am I doing it wrong?" Isaac asks. I can't help it, I laugh so hard I practically fall off the counter.

"I love your laugh so much Jess, just not at my expense." Isaac smiles sweetly at me. I reach up and place a gentle kiss on his lips before settling back on the counter. He immediately goes back to chopping up the remaining vegetables while every so often stirring the pasta. I pour myself another glass of pink Moscato and watch him.

"You're doing great babe. No fire yet." I joke.

He throws me a sideways glance while grabbing two plates and dishing out the pasta. It smells delicious. My stomach growls loudly when I realize that I haven't ate all day. I grab the wine and an extra glass and head towards the dining room. The table is already set. Isaac took the initiative to light a few candles and dim the lights.
He went above and beyond decorating the table with the roses he brought home for me.

The atmosphere was sensual and romantic. With a cheeky grin Isaac placed the food on the table and settled in next to me. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell he was anxiously waiting for me to take my first bite. Stabbing my fork in the middle, I slowly twisted my fork, praying this didn't taste like shit. I knew it would break him, but I refused to lie to him, ever.

Placing a fork full of pasta in my mouth I was instantly relieved. It didn't taste like mom's, but it didn't taste like garbage either.

"Wow, this is really good Isaac." I declare and go in for a second bite.

"Really?" Isaac asks, surprised. After a beat he decides to taste it for himself.
Nodding his head in agreement he swallowed and grabbed his glass of wine washing the remains down.

"Not too bad if I don't say myself. One recipe down and a thousand to go. Although, our children will probably settle on chicken nuggets and french fries."

Again, the mention of children makes my heart sink. Glancing at him out of the corner of his eye I see him smiling down, enjoying his meal. I don't have the heart to continue this conversation again. Last time, I saw his soul break. So instead, I continued eating while he basked in his fantasy.

"Naomi is going to help me plan our wedding." I state changing the subject.

"That's great babe. Please, spare no expense. I want you to have everything you've ever dreamed of, and that includes your fairy tale wedding."

"You are too good to me, I love you Isaac."

"I love you Jess. Oh fuck!" Isaac screams. He slams his fork down and flips his chair over as he runs into the kitchen. Startled, I follow quickly behind him to see him pulling open the oven. Black smoke fills the room as he pulls out the charcoaled garlic bread. Throwing it onto the stove he opens the cabinet below the sink and grabs the fire extinguisher. After pulling the pin and aiming the hose at the smoking bread he pulls the trigger filling the room with a cloud of white smoke.

I cough as the mix of smoke fills my lungs. I rush over to the windows and open them hoping to clear out some of the smoke. I head back into the kitchen to see a hysteric Isaac laying on the floor laughing. His laugh was contagious and soon I'm falling to the floor next to him clenching my stomach as we try to contain ourselves. We both take a moment to catch our breath and face each other.

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