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  Hey, new readers! I appreciate your comments, and I apologize as I can't recognize  every single one anymore as the audience has gotten bigger! I hope you're enjoying the story if you haven't finished it, or I hope you enjoyed it if you've come this far.
   I have improved so much in my writing when it comes to plot holes since this story. I thought making this story was fun, but it wasn't really that good.
   If you have a favorite moment, make sure to list it here!
I have a few questions and you can answer them if you want!

1.) Did you enjoy this story?

2.) What would you rate it?

3.) Funniest moment?

4.) Funniest character

5.) character I wrote well

6,) Character I didn't write well

7.) Any quote that stuck in your head?

8.) What message did you grasp from this story?

9.) Do you believe love is its own language?

10.) Favorite side-plot

11.) favorite parent?

12.) Least favorite parent?

Or if you have anything to discuss with me or any questions you want to ask me! Go ahead. I'm very open to sharing how this story got to be, and feel free to ask me anything here or on DM's.

Hamilton Mullette ~ Love Has It's Own Language [WATTY'S 2017]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora