Chapter 8: Winters Ball

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This is another chapter that get a bit inappropriate, but I promise that this whole story won't be just a ton of references to smut. It's mostly fluff and all that, but this has some sexual flirting, but if you can't read french, you probably can't tell. Lol.

Tell me if y'all think it's too much, and that for future chapters I should turn it down a bit.

  "Marquis, we're going to the Winter's Ball?" Hercules asked. Marquis stared at him. "Uh, je deviner?" He said, not really knowing what the heck Hercules was talking about.

"I've got my girl, Eliza, going with me!" Alex smiled, proudly. John glared at him,"Yeah, we only heard you say that like 10 times in one hour," John kicked the ground. Alex smiled, taking it as a joke. It really wasn't at all, though.

"It's tonight, guys! I can't wait!" Eliza came running into Alex's arms. John stared at Eliza thinking,"Girl, touch him and you're dead to me!"

"Hey, John. Who ya goin' with?" Alex asked, not even paying attention to Eliza. John started to sweat. "Actually, I don't have a date, but I'm still going!" He quickly added that last part.

  Alex smiled. "I'm sure your girl  is out there somewhere," Alex put a hand on his shoulder. John whispered under his breath,"or man."

  "What?" Alex asked, not paying attention. "Nothing!" John quickly said. He then sighed. The boy walked off into the opposite end of the hall. "The bell's gonna ring soon. I can't wait to get into my dress!" Eliza practically squealed. "Are Peggy and Angelica going?" Alex asked. "I think so, I hope Peggy and John get hitched soon. They're so perfect for one another," Eliza sighed, dreamily.

While walking off, Alex's face soon turned into a frightened one. After that night. He wasn't sure what was going on. Why Eliza left. She probably saw them. He had to bring this up to John.


"Marquis, why are we doing the whip and nae nae to a slow song?" Hercules laughed at themselves and the couples that were also having fun.

"I see Americans doing it all time," He smiled, pointing a finger to the sky. Hercules laughed. It was so amazing to hear a french person try the English language. It's fun.

Out of nowhere, Marquis dips Hercules. Hercules laughs. "tu es tellement belle! Chaude! Chaude!" He cried to Marquis. He thought that meant he was having fun.

Marquis immediately brought him back up and smirked with confidence. He brought Hercules close. "Juste pour toi,mon amour!" Hercules had no idea what he said to make Marquis like this, but he for some odd reason liked it. He didn't know what Marquis responded with, but he looked like he was trying to sound hot. Oh, it was working.

Marquis leaned in for Hercules' neck and kissed it, softly. He then brought his lips to Hercules' lips. Oh, gosh, Hercules was about to cry. Marquis was being so adorable. Marquis could say the same to Hercules.

Their lips were still connected, Hercules felt Marquis' hair. He then let go. "Suis-je encore chaud?" Marquis whispered in his ear. Hercules shivered. "Oh, snap," Alex was standing with Eliza behind them. Hercules smiled at his voice.

This was the first time Hercules saw this side of Marquis. He wasn't sure how he triggered it though. He didn't do anything he didn't think.

Then he thought about what he said.

tu es tellement belle. Chaude! Chaude!


John saw Eliza and Alex dancing in the corner of the dance room. He sighed, grumpily.
He marched into the bathroom. Marquis was in there. " luck on Alex?" He asked. John felt a tear drop and shook his head. Marquis made a frown. He rubbed John's back like a friend would. "Nobody here but we. I get him pour tu?" He spoke in broken English.

John thought about it as another tear fell down his cheek. "Do it, Marquis!" John whisper screeched. He immediately regretted it right after saying it.

  Marquis came in with Alex. Marquis then ran out, guarding the door. "John," Alex gasped at his friends' tears,"are you okay?" John then nodded, looking away. Alex hugged John, trying not to think about what happened a few nights ago.

  "Alex, I love you!" John blurted. He covered his mouth. Alex turned red, hesitated, then tried to speak. John continued,"What The heck I gotta do to be with you?" Alex tensed up. He clenched his fists.

"John," he tried to console.
  "Alex?" John responded.
"I love you too, but-" Alex stopped.
"Eliza," they said together. 
  John went in for a kiss, but Alex refused. "I can't do this to Eliza," He said, pushing John off of him.
John then started to cry.
He fell to the floor.
"He looks so helpless," Alex thought. He was worried about John now. He scanned at John. He then realized how perfect this boy was made. "Heck yes," Alex said aloud. John looked up at him. "Wha?" Alex backed up. "Okay, John. I need to ask you something," Alex said, putting his hand on John's chest. John held his hand,"What is it?"

   "I want to be with you, but we can't be in public together. Let's keep it a secret. I'll date Eliza for publicity, but my heart belongs to you, John!" Alex didn't know if he was saying the right words.

  John looked around. A private relationship wasn't what he wanted at all. But Alex was his dream. His dream was going to come true. He kissed Alex's cheek. "I think I'll be able to get through it," he smiled.

Hamilton Mullette ~ Love Has It's Own Language [WATTY'S 2017]Where stories live. Discover now