2/2 Final Authors Note SEQUELS OUT

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The sequel is out! I hope you guys read it. :)

It's Hamilton-Love Can Be Shared [Mullette]

It's been nice talking to you all and having fun with you guys, and it'd be really nice if we can continue all that.

ALSO, remember to PM me if you ever wanna talk. I'll talk about almost anything with you. Lol. :)

Okay, adios. This has been a ton of fun seeing how this story progressed. We've come a long way, haven't we?

I can't believe this book is gonna be marked complete. Time does fly doesn't it? It's so hard to believe I started this in February and here it is over.

This book make me happy again because I didn't expect to find such great people through it at the hard time I was in.

  Love is its own language, guys. Remember that! :)

Final words for this story...

Au Revoir!

Hamilton Mullette ~ Love Has It's Own Language [WATTY'S 2017]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα