Chapter 2- First Weekend

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Hercules opened cabinets and drawers in his house. "I know Marquis gave me his phone number somewhere!" He said to himself, making a mess.

"Herc, What are you doing?" His dad stood in the doorway. "Looking for the taxes! How I love paying taxes!" He faked a smile, holding up a random envelope. His father chuckled. "The young man has to do some work. Did your mother make you do this?" His father responded.

"Uh, Yeah?" It sounded more of a question. "Lad, Your mother pays someone else to do our taxes," he laughed. Hercules looked around. "Oh, cool. Well-" He almost finished, but then he saw the number. "I found it!" He held up dramatically. "Why are teens today so dramatic?" His dad, Hugh, said to himself.

"Uh, this is one of my friend's numbers so I'll be back!" Hercules dashed outside. He dialed his phone so fast, and put the phone to his ear.

Hercules had written down some translated French written down. He was trying to stick to his script, but he knew that wouldn't work well.

"Hi, Hercules!" Marquis said enthusiastically. "Working Anglais now," He chimed. Hercules laughed at the poor English. "You'll get there," He responded. "Get? You'll?" Marquis repeated, confused. "Comment ça va?" Hercules tried to continue in French instead.

"Ça va Bien. Tu?" Marquis sounded so happy to be taking with someone who wasn't a family member. "Jee Sooeys Hercules!" He randomly said again. This always made Marquis laugh, and Hercules really didn't understand why. He had no idea he was saying it wrong.

"Come house?" Marquis asked. "Bien! Address, merci!" Hercules grinned. So he got Marquis' address and came over the next day because he had a lot of stuff to do the remaining Friday.

  "Bienvenue!" Marquis said at the door. "Vous sont Genial!" Hercules laughed at what Marquis said because he didn't understand. Marquis realized this and gestured for him to come in. "Marie-Joseph, is this friend?" She asked. Marquis nodded, scared of Hercules' reaction to his name.

  But to tell the truth, Hercules didn't even think about his name. "Mon mère parle Anglais," Marquis explained. He understood English, but not the rest. "Merci?" Hercules said without reason.

   It got silent for a second, but then Hercules grinned and said,"Jee Sooeys Hercules!" And the two, mother and son, bursted out into laughter. "Funny, he is!" She laughed so hard she was almost falling against the wall. "Gees, Frenchies are so weird," he thought, lighthearted and with a smile.

   "Je t'aime, Hercules!" Marquis' mom stated, now crying and laughing. "Oui! Americans say,'Whoopdidoo!" Marquis jumped, and hugged Hercules.

   Hercules then started laughing. Their two perspectives on Americans and The French are so different.


  They were watching Pewdiepie with French subtitles, and the two were both laughing forever. But, something in the room caught his attention. He saw a picture of Marquis and another man from what looked like Marquis' freshman year back in France. He was with a guy at a party. Could he be?- No, Hercules refused to believe. Not that he wasn't okay with it, it's just that Herc's dad was homophobic. Thought everyone had to be a 'real man'. They can't cry, they can't show any fear. But, what is a real man?

   "Marquis, mon amis," Hercules pointed to the picture. All of a sudden, Marquis looked sad. "Ex boyfriend," he said, avoiding eye contact. "Je suis désolé," he said. He understood I and Sorry. "Where is he?" Hercules asked. He could tell that Marquis had learned a bit more English because he seemed to at least a bit understand that.

   He went to go get his mother. She came in and he told her what was going on. She nodded. Hercules had no idea what they were saying, but he thinks they were talking about the picture.

   His mother turned to face Hercules. "This is his ex boyfriend who died in a car crash years ago," she said. Marquis hugged the side of his mother.

  "I'm very sorry for your loss, guys!" Hercules was almost in tears himself. Marquis hugged him. His mother quickly left the room. "Merci, Hercules!" He started to sob. "Icecream?" Hercules asked, letting go of Marquis.

  Marquis nodded, and they went out to go get ice-cream.

  Who they saw next was enough to make Hercules want to puke.


  To be continued!



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