Ch 15: Dinner..and Charles Lee

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   Hercules and Marquis sat down at the table. "Hercules!" Marquis laughed because he had just recited his original,"Jee soooey Hercules!" To the seating manager.

   Hercules didn't find it that funny, but he laughed because of Marquis. He found it too adorable when Marquis laughed or even spoke. Maybe he has problems?-Eh.

    They ordered drinks and sat for a long time. Out of nowhere someone sat down. He was wearing a bright pink Sailor Moon shirt and had a bright purple hat on with a rainbow streak on the side.

   "Uh," Marquis hesitantly stared. Hercules knew who it was. "Charles? Seriously?" Hercules asked, irritated. "Oh, hello, Hercules! Didn't see you there," Charles glared at him, still sitting there. "Do you just randomly sit down at people's tables?" Hercules freaked.

   Charles had to think about that. Then he nodded. "And is that an anime shirt?" Hercules inhaled and exhaled. "Ahem, Well I did come from an Anime Convention! I swear you guys are just plain idiots!" Charles added.

   "This is Valentine's Day. I'm trying to have a date with my boyfriend!" Hercules tried to convince Charles to leave. "Cool," he simply responded. Marquis looked around confused. Hercules banged his head against the table. "This is Charles Lee," His head was still smashed into the table.

   Marquis awkwardly waved his hand at the boy who was also waving at him, but with huge emotion, a huge grin, and stars in his eyes. "You're that foreign exchange student!" Charles pointed his finger right in Marquis' face.

   Marquis looked very invaded of personal space. "Tu as l'air d'un idiot," He rolled his eyes. Now Charles Lee looked invaded. "Anyways, I found you guys because I just smelt the gayness from a mile away. You guys are the only gay people on a date in here," Charles sang that last part, Now trying to get on their nerves.

   "We were on a date. Can you just go?" Hercules asked, irritated. "Nah," Charles laughed, picking up a menu. "Security!" Hercules called. Nobody came. He then snapped his fingers. "Dang it! That always works in the movies," he murmured. Charles starry eyes went to sad and sorrowful ones. "Hey, Hercules?" Charles put the menu down. Marquis had to see this. He put his menu in anticipation of the fight about to go down.

   "I'm sorry for interrupting your date. I just need serious help! You guys found love. I have someone in mind if you're willing to help me. Please," Charles added that last part weakly.

  Hercules and Marquis looked at each other. He then rolled his eyes and faced Charles. "Who is it?" Hercules asked, pretty much done with Charles.

   "Captain of the Student Council," Charles murmured with a crack in his voice loud enough for Hercules to hear. "Wait a second. George Washington?" He practically shouted.

   The whole dining place when silent. Charles could possibly cry. "Help me! I've never had feelings like these before. I saw you and the exchange student together and it gave me pure confidence. Thank you, Hercules!" He sounded purely impressed with Hercules.

   "Uh," That's all Hercules had to say. "J'adore envahir la vie privée des autres! Allons-nous ce garçon, l'ennemi de mon petit ami!" Marquis grabbed Charles' wrist and dashed off. He then ran back to get Hercules, gave him a kiss on the lips and ran off.

  There goes their perfect date, he guessed.

     The 3 went to a phone book in Walmart. "Marquis, you do realize Charles and I both have his contact in our phones, right?" Hercules told him. Marquis pointed his arm to the sky with a hand on his hip. "Genius!" Marquis rang. They dashed off again.

   That's when Hercules realized that they were running around  in fancy clothes with a guy in bright pastel colors. Charles Lee's fashion was just so amazing. It was always pastel colors with high top converse, skinny jeans, strapped bag that goes in front and behind his chest, and a magnificent hat.

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