Chapter 9: John is Gayer and Hard to find

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I have drawn the dresses the Schuyler Sis's and Maria wear, so I won't bother to explain them in the description.

   "So, Alexander..." Eliza began. She was wearing a blue dress. Alex nervously looked her in the eyes. She looked so scared. Plus, she said his full name. . "Y-yes, Elizabeth," he responded, nervous. He had his hands in his pockets, obviously sweating.

   "I'm sorry I had to leave yesterday. I found out my little sister's pet turtle died, so I wanted to be there to comfort her," she frowned. Alex wasn't sweating. That's when John popped up between them. "A turtle died?" He screamed over the crowd of people. Alex tried not to giggle.

  "Yes, John, I'm afraid so!" Eliza nodded. Alex took Eliza's hand, winking at John, who smiled back, and walked off. John watched him with a small smile. He wasn't sure what the heck he was doing with his life. He heard the Macarena come on, and glanced at Hercules and Marquis. He couldn't help but laugh.


  Hercules was doing the Macarena, while other people were saying,"Ugh, This song is so old!"

Marquis strangely stared at him. "Que?" He asked, so confused. "Like this," Marquis was doing it, as Marquis tried to join in. He failed, but by the end of the song, we rocked it.

  Hercules laughed. "C'est drôle!" Marquis cried, laughing as they did it. They were about the center of attention as a crowd gathered around them. Then the hokey pokey came on, and Hercules taught Marquis how to do it as the crowd still followed.

    The two did funny dances, as people laughed with them not at them. It felt different for Hercules. He was so used to people not really liking him.

    Ride came on by Twenty One Pilots. Marquis knew the French cover, so he rapped so fast Hercules was confused. He then jumped to hug Marquis.

He heard people say they were the power couple which was better than some other words. However, Alex did bring up he was called Homo by Charles Lee, and he responded with,"Nah dip, Sherlock. Go kiss George, Why don't you?" Alex teased. Charles grunted with anger, and walked off. He then tripped on air. That kid was priceless. Alex laughed. Eliza was linking hands with him. "Alex, that's not very funny!" She scolded him. The boy shrugged.

John joined Hercules and Marquis. "So, guys!" John nervously shook his drink. They were at a school party, so just non-alcoholic drinks like Punch that's spiked with nothing.

"John, Peggy wants you," Hercules said pointing over to a girl standing at the punch bowl. Peggy used to be his best friend, but the two hadn't been talking that much this year. It's not because they're mad at each other, they just somehow grew apart.

John shrugged and walked over to Peggy. Peggy turned around frantically grabbed his shoulder and shaking him back in forth. "We have a huge problem!" She whisper screamed. John looked around. "Okay," he said, strangely.

"Have you seen Maria tonight! She be lookin' fresh!" She glanced over at Maria, Who was across the dance floor in a very revealing outfit.

John looked at her and smiled,"Joined the club tonight?" He asked referring to her having a crush on a girl. She nodded, still looking at Maria. "People say she's a jerk and snob. All I see is a misunderstood girl," she said, with a lovestruck smile. "Peggy, who have you told besides me?" John asked. Peggy looked scared now. She put her arm on her other arm.

  "Well, John. My Whole family shows homophobic traits," Peggy said, looking down. John looked over at Maria who was laughing with James Reynolds, her boyfriend. He spoke,"You know, Peggy? I know exactly where you're coming from. My father was homophobic as well. Although he wasn't happy and still isn't happy, he accepted me because I'm his son. His child. I think that's one of the best decisions I've ever made," John reassured her.

  Peggy also stared at Maria. "What if none of our friends or even sisters accept me?" She asked, worriedly. "You know, I'm a closeted Gay. I wouldn't know. The only people who know are you, me, Alex, and my dad!" He said, focusing more on her.

Peggy backtracked. "W-Why does Alex know?" She was curious. Alex and John were just secondary Best friends at first, but lately they've been acting like primary best friends. This kind of bothered Peggy.

"W-Well, uh. I-" John looked around, sweating. Peggy was Eliza's sister! What was he supposed to do?

  But then Alex walked up to them. "Hey, Guys!" Alex winked at John. John blushed, with a small smile. "Helpless," John muttered, lovestruck. Peggy looked over at him and immediately knew what was going on.

  I know my sister like I know my own mind! You will never find-

  Wait a second, Peggy, that's something your sister said about Eliza....

  Here Peggy, use this.

  I know...John... Like I know my own mind. You will never find anyone more gayer or hard to find.

  Good job, Peggy.

  What was she supposed to do?

   She took a breath and walked away. She saw Eliza dancing with Angelica. Oh, no! Even worse! She had to tell her sisters. She can't believe John would do such a thing. But, then she'd be betraying John. She looked around so confused.

  She headed towards Angelica and Eliza and she immediately knew what was going to happen. "What's wrong?" Angelica asked. Eliza also looked at her with deep sympathy.

  "I-I-Alex, he's cheating on you!" Peggy blurted to Eliza. Word vomit. The two sisters stared at her. Eliza nervously laughed,"No way! He said it himself, I'm his soulmate!" She sounded like she was begging for Peggy to say it was a joke.

  "No, Eliza. He picked up a...girl.. today!" Peggy practically screamed. Nobody else could hear it, though, over the loud music. Eliza started to cry. "Excuse me?" Angelica asked, angry. "He-Maria Reynolds! He cheated on you with her!" Peggy pointed to her crush.

  "Oh,no..." She thought. Angelica went fully raged over Peggy. "Tell me where he is!" She screamed, clenching her fists. "Uh..France?" Peggy tried to joke. Angelica grunted. . She then spotted Alex talking with John.

   "Alexander!" She screamed, walking towards him. Alex turned around,"Oh,no.." he muttered. John just stared at Angelica walking over, confused and frightened.

Hamilton Mullette ~ Love Has It's Own Language [WATTY'S 2017]Where stories live. Discover now