Chapter 27: Lemon Buying

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Warning: "lemons" involved, if ya know what I mean. You'll find out what I mean if you don't know what I'm talking about.

    Hercules saw Marquis on the front porch stairs with his head looking at his lap. He looked really depressed. No tears were present, just the look of depression.

  Hercules walked inside to grab him and his boyfriend both a coke. He quickly walked down the steps and sat next to him. Hercules' hand reached over in front of Marquis' as he grabbed the coke. "Que?" His voice was dull. "Oh, it's Fanta. If you want something else than-" Hercules was interrupted by a hug. Marquis started sobbing.

   "You did the right thing," was all Hercules could make out at first. He hadn't joined the hug, yet. He just sat there with his boyfriend's arms around him.

  "Listen, babe. You're our countries favorite hot french fry. Don't be afraid of crying because that takes skill," Hercules complimented. Marquis didn't seem to answer.

Hercules kneeled on the step in front of Marquis and caressed his cheek. "Is my baby okay? This isn't like you. I can't say I can relate to this whole situation. All I can say is that it's a miracle you're not hurt. Just keep it that way; That Would be enough," Hercules kind of laughed at the end.

"Things get better from here. Think! You're free! You're free to do whatever you want now. He's away from you and he can't hurt you, Marquis. He can't hurt you anymore! You can go back home and live your senior year how you want to and be who you are because you're so freaking beautiful. Remember that and no matter what your idiotic father says, it doesn't matter. He's far away, now. You're safe and I won't let anything happen to you!" Hercules wrapped his arms around Marquis and kissed him on the lips.

Marquis, without saying a word, got up which caused Hercules' face to go into the concrete. His boyfriend never looked back once.

This isn't the end for Hercules. He gets what he wants! Hercules got up and ran to catch up with Marquis. He wrapped his arms around Marquis' waist and put his head in his hair. "Hercules," Marquis sobbed, obviously annoyed.

"You know what I think'll make you better?" Hercules asked, messing with the collar on Marquis' shirt. Marquis was flustered completely.

He nodded, planting a kiss on Hercules' cheek.

"Time to get lemons!" Hercules and Marquis screamed, running to the store.

"I love lemons," Hercules grinned, shoving one into his mouth. Marquis laughed, shoving one into his mouth. "I hope that last part wasn't controversial or something," Hercules referenced the earlier scene. "Ah, non!" Marquis wrapped his arm around Hercules.

"I'm satisfied," John randomly joined them, impressed. "Yeah, This is cool!" Alex just stared at the lemon. "I'm glad there's no other meaning for lemon because that would just be weird. I mean, what if it meant something sexual? Haha!" Alex finally took a small bite of the lemon. "Yeah, that'd be awkward eating a lemon knowing it was a sexual term for something else!" John nodded his head.

"What do you wanna do now that you're free, Marquis?" Hercules grabbed both of his boyfriend's hands. Marquis' smile turned into a frown. "Je never thought de la ces!" Was his response. While, Hercules didn't know what that was; he decided he wasn't sure by the tone of his voice.

    Alex and John abandoned them to give the two space. Hercules put his hand on Marquis' cheek. "Come on, Marquis! Just be you again!" Hercules put his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. Marquis then heard him singing.

   "Look at where we are. Look at where we started," Hercules sang into Marquis' ear. Marquis jumped. He knows that song from somewhere. "Miranda!" Marquis looked his boyfriend right in the eyes. Hercules nodded with a smile? "Tu références un musical!" Marquis laughed, putting his forehead against Hercules. "Let's catch up with the two weirdos!" hercules grabbed Marquis' hand as they ran to catch up with John and Alex.


   "You're a mess," Sarah scolded James. James nodded, guiltily. She then smacked Thomas in the face. Thomas stood up on his feet, but James held him back. "I know you were about to tell Marie! James, Thomas has brainwashed you!"

  James' tears just poured from his eyes. Thomas hugged him as they sat on the ground being scolded. Sarah then helped her son up. "You're my son and I'm doing what's best for you," she told him. James stared her right in the eyes and said,"I'm your son? Well, you should probably treat me like one. It's kind of hard to tell," James crossed his arms.

"Baby, let's go!" Thomas grabbed James' hand and tried to yank him away, but James resisted. "No, Thomas, I have business to attend to," He turned to his mom and shoved her. "What a mom you are! You can't even see that you're starving me, abusing me, and hurting the ones I love. You're just like dad, really. Do you see my boyfriend? He's beautiful! And if you don't know, now you know," James flipped her off and ran with Thomas out the door and into his car.

Sarah just stared at her hands. She chased away her own son. Her own son. Because he was being a teenager. Too late, now. Too late, now.


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