Chapter 11: Hugh Named this Chapter?

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Deleted last chapter because... You know... if you read it... Let's not speak of that. I was just in that idiotic mood. So, let's get going!

  I'm honestly very sorry about that. Lol. IMO it ruined the story. Haha. So we're not going to mention it.

  Hercules and James were in a dark room in two chairs. The lights turned on, and Marquis' mother went to sit next to them. "Bonjour, boys!" She was serious and sat in front of them.

  "Why are We in here?" James asked. "You're in here because I have to return you back to your father and mother," She put her hands together. James grabbed for his inhaler and started to breathe in and out. The mother rubbed his back.

  "Your mother and father caught me as Marquis' mother and they insisted that you guys were with me," she explained. Hercules froze as James was still hyperventilating.

  "So, today. They will pick you up. Should be any minute now," she claimed. Hercules and James looked at each other, looking like they were about to die.

  "I'm going to tell Marquis later. He was buying something for you, Hercules. I'll try to get him to sneak it to you at school," She promised him, nodding at her own speech. Hercules looked very sad that his awesome days of sneaking around were over.


There was a knock at the door. This was it for him. He was going to die. James was about to freak out. He could barely breathe.

Marquis' mother shyly opened the door, feeling much regret. In the door were two crying parents . The mother had smudged makeup, and the father looked like he hadn't slept in a week. He was weak-Okay we're not going there.

Hercules and James stared at them. "You guys!" Their mother hugged them tightly. "Why would you guys leave?" She cried. Hercules and James looked at each other.

Fun fact: Hugh doesn't know James is gay, which is going to mean two of these children will probably be dead.

Marquis came in through the back window, and when he saw Hugh he tripped over the window, and his face went onto the floor.

Hercules and Marquis' mother went running towards him. Hercules helped pick him up off the ground. "Pourquoi!?" He cried, worried about Hercules and James.

"It's that French kid," Hugh muttered to his wife. She didn't know the story, so it was a bit confusing to her. Marquis got up and hugged Hercules tightly. "Please do not go," he tried speaking English. "I have to, Marquis. We'll see each other at school," Hercules promised him. "M-mais, je veux être avec vous tout le temps. je t'aime!" He practically screeched, not wanting for Hercules to leave.

Hercules understood few words, but he knew that this was making Marquis worried. "We have school, Marquis. We have school. Je t'aime," Hercules smiled. Hugh smashed the two apart.

"What is going on here?!" He screamed. "Sir, this is my house! They can do whatever they want here!" Marquis' mother stood up for them. Hugh then smacked her in the face. "Excusé moi?!" Marquis hollered at Hugh. He ran up to him and pushed him back.

  "Hugh!" Hercules' mother was full of fear. She then asked what was going on. Hercules looked at her with anger. "I'm gay, mom. I'm freaking gay! When dad found out he beat me almost to death until Marquis here saved me!" He screamed.

   If looks could kill, The mom would be dead. Hugh was giving her an intense glare. She began to stutter,"N-no, Honey. I don't t-think.. I don't believe that happened. Y-you and James are both grounded for running off!" She tried to be the aggressive parent. She dragged the two children off.


  "We don't think the school you're going to is giving you good influences. We're going to send you two to a private school," Hugh grouched.

  His wife nodded in agreement. "You two will be going to school, cleaning out your lockers, and leaving tomorrow," Hugh then mentioned, turning the wheel.

   His wife sat uncomfortably in the front seat, shaking. "Dad, I don't care," Hercules muttered. "What's that? What's that, Homo? You gonna go cry to your boyfriend! I'm gonna reck this car!" The car ride went from 0 to 100 really quick. The car swerved all over the place until it hit a tree. Hugh cursed as his head banged against the wheel and the airbag blew up.

   Hercules felt sleepy. Away he crashed.


  Thomas held his phone closely to his ear, waiting for James to answer. No answer. He was worried because James doesn't have a life so there's no way that he could be on the phone or not answer him.

  He kept calling and finally somebody picked up, but it was not James. "H-Hey?" Thomas made it more of a question than a greeting. The voice on the other end responded, but it sounded nothing like James.

   "Is this family member? Friend?" The man had a foreign accent. Thomas made an odd face at the tv as he grabbed the remote and turned it down. "Where'd James?!" Thomas tried to remain calm, but he was worried. "Oh, oh, which boy? Man? Boy? Or Boy? Lady?" He asked. Thomas was so confused.

"I found phone in pocket ringing. There boy in car seems to be having a hard time breathing," The man said. "James! Can you get him talking? Who's with him?" Thomas asked. "I-uh. He's here with another boy, a lady, and dead-Dead body," The man also sounded worried.

  Thomas immediately asked for location. "We Have News Crew, Paramedics, ambulances, and people crowding around," he said. Thomas got the street name and quickly jumped in the car. He wanted to get there to go with an ambulance.

  He arrived because it wasn't too far from his own house. He ran over, and saw people near the car. They had people carrying bodies out and the first one he recognized was James.

  He ran over to James. "Baby," he squeaked. James didn't respond. He was breathing so loudly, so quickly, and he couldn't talk. He was having such a hard time breathing.

  Thomas cried looking at the whole family go into a separate ambulance. He decided he'd go pick up Marquis to take him as well. But he had to be quick.

  "Get in, Frenchie. We're going to the hospital!" Thomas stopped in the middle of a street because he saw Marquis riding his bike with streamers and a horn. Marquis threw his bike in the back, and got shotgun.

  Thomas turned on some hardcore rap, but Marquis changed it to Spice Girls. Thomas shrugged.

  They arrived in the room, and they divided rooms. Marquis ran into Hercules' and Thomas ran into James.

  "James, baby, can you take a deep breath for me?" Thomas put his hand on James' hand. James cried in pain, still nonstop short breathing.

   "You can do this, Jamie. Just breathe," Thomas caressed his cheek. The doctors told Thomas to get out so he went over to see Hercules.

   "Hercules has broken his arm. He also had some cuts on his body that we have wrapped bandages around. He should be fine over time," Thomas heard the doctor say, about to turn around to leave.

  "Hey, Guys!" Thomas sounded a bit depressed.


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