Chapter 4: Fancy Mcdonalds

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  "Quoi?" Marquis asked, putting his hands on his hips with a smile. Hercules looked at Alex who was standing behind Marquis. Alex gave him a nod to confess, but Hercules started to sweat. His face got red because he was nervous. But, it almost displayed the seems of him blushing.

   "I just... Je t'aime," Hercules nervously smiled. "M'avez-vous vraiment appelé pour cela?" He laughed. Hercules had again, no literal idea what he just said.

  Alex noticed this and stepped in. He whispered the translation into his ear. Hercules nodded and gulped. "Oui?" He again, nervously grinned.

   Marquis blushed, and hugged Hercules. Hercules looked back at Alex who was facepalming in the background.

  "So, man. We're watching the princess bride. Want to fangirl over Robin Wright!?" John called from the other room. Marquis shrugged and headed over there with John, Alex, and Hercules.


             Day After~

     Marquis grabbed Hercules' hand. He was dragging him somewhere. He randomly picked up two flowers and gave it to him. Hercules blinked. "Merci, Marquis!" He was a bit surprised and confused. His voice was kind of dull because he had no idea what was going on in his life.

   "De rein, Mon cher!" He grinned. They joined each other for a hug, and let go. "So, do gay people go on dates?" Hercules asked. Marquis made a face of confusion. So basically Hercules' signature face.

Marquis then just nervously laughed. He caressed Hercules cheek and leaned in.

Hercules turned his head to avoid the kiss. Marquis basically kissed air. The frightened man looked up at the Frenchman. "Désolé! Je suis Desolé!" Hercules pronounced some things wrong. He had been studying basic French words.

Marquis just let out another nervous laugh. "C'est bien!" He reassured him. "Merci," Hercules told him, grasping Marquis' hands. "So, Where is this?" Hercules asked. "American say,'I.D.K?'" The Frenchie responded.

   Hercules chuckled,"Yeah." Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


    "James, why?" Hercules asked. The two boys were staying home alone while their parents were off on a trip. "You don't see Thomas the way I do, Herc," he calmly held his fork.

   "But, Thomas!" Hercules said, looking him in the eye. "I never thought you'd be in a relationship with him! He's a guy!" Hercules stated. James looked at him, gazing at what his problem was.

  "Seriously, Herc? You're not even going to try to like him?" James asked, trying not to cry. He put down his fork, and left. "Dramatic," Hercules murmured.

Then he thought about it. He came down to the conclusion he's a hypocrite. What was Hercules doing? Dating a man. Just like his brother.

Hercules knocked on his brother's bedroom door. "James, I'm sorry!" He said. James opened his door. He appeared as if he had been crying for hours, yet it had only been about 20 Minutes.

"I have a confession," Hercules didn't make eye contact. He rubbed his other arm, and blushed severely. "I have a boyfriend, too."

James looked like he was about to faint. "Who?" He spit out. "Very, very long name. We'll just say Marquis de Lafayette," he said. "Never heard of him. You have a picture?" James tried to engage in conversation.

Hercules in fact did have a picture of him. It was a sad selfie. Hercules promised that he'd never take a selfie, but with Marquis he had too!

He logged into his phone, and went to the camera section. He scrolled up a bit, and held up a picture.

"Huh, looks kind of like Thomas!" James laughed. Hercules gasped, and you could've sworn his puppy just died. "Don't say that!" He whisper yelled.

"Herc, I have an idea. Let's invite the two over and I can give Marquis a chance, and you can give Thomas one," he smiled. Hercules hesitated.

He wasn't sure that was a good idea. He could tell his brother loved Thomas, so he agreed. He wasn't really in love with Marquis, though.


Monday night started out a bit weird for Hercules.

Thomas got there first. He placed a kiss on James' head, and waved hello to Herc. Hercules shyly waved back. "So, who's your boyfriend, Herc?" Thomas said Herc on purpose because Hercules only liked close friends and family to call him that.

"He's doing just fine, Tamara," Hercules responded, with a smirk at the end. Hercules and Thomas Just laughed. James smiled at Hercules.

A huge knock went at the door. James opened it to see Marquis. He had his signature pose, hands on hips, and was ready to kick butt. "This is the sassy, Marquis!" Hercules introduced. Marquis had no idea what Sassy meant. He just went along with it. He obviously knew his name.

"Bonjour!" He greeted Thomas and James. "Bonjour, Marquis!" Thomas responded. "Yeah," James said, very confused.

"Comment ça va!" He smiled. Thomas looked at James who just shrugged. "Bonjour!" Thomas said. Marquis laughed. "Vous sont drôle!"

James looked at Hercules, who shrugged. "Do you speak English?" James asked him, slowly. "Little bits, I do," Marquis responded. James whispered to Thomas,"How'd these two even get together?" Thomas then chuckled a bit.

Hercules then grabbed Marquis' hand. Marquis looked at him and smiled. Hercules nervously chuckled. They walked, joined hands, over to the dinner table.

James put bags on the table. "A gourmet meal, known as McDonalds!" He did jazz hands pointing to the table.

The group laughed. "You ever had McDonald's?" Hercules asked Marquis. "Yes, I did," his voice responded stiff. That's how it always sounds when he speaks English because he is trying to sound American.

"A simple 'Yeah' would sound better!" Hercules laughed. Thomas kissed James on the lips. It lasted a couple seconds. While kissing, Thomas reached for a fry.

This was enough to make Hercules mad!
Why would Thomas and James flaunt their relationship like that?
He wished he could show off Marquis.

Did he think that?
Yes, he did!
Hercules didn't know what to do.
He doesn't know what he's feeling.
No chance.
No way.
He's not in love with a guy he just met last week.

The two let go of their kiss. Hercules looked over at Marquis, who looked like he was questioning what the heck's wrong with his food.

"Mon Amour, I thank y-" Hercules kissed him right on the lips. Marquis was a bit surprised because it came out of nowhere. Although Hercules was supposed to stop, he didn't.

That's when he heard the shriek of a man. Hercules looked up to see a frightened Thomas and James.

It was his dad, Hugh.

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