Chapter 6: Hercules' Confession

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This is probably gonna be the most intense this book ever gets.

The next morning

   Hercules had to tell which he chose to Marquis. He wasn't sure how Marquis would feel about it, though. He was actually worried.

  He called Marquis over. Said he figured out their relationship. Let's just said the Frenchman was very confused. He knew where Thomas lived because that was Hercules' second home.

  Marquis was told to come in through the back of the house, and go town the stairs. He quietly walked downstairs. He didn't know if he was supposed to be sneaking or not, but he thought it'd be cool.

  He went into the basement, and Hercules attacked him on the stairs. "Mon cher?" Marquis asked to make sure he was alright. They were joined in a huge hug. Well, that's all this relationship has been.

  Marquis rubbed his head. "What is wrong?" He asked. Hercules doesn't think he's aware of contractions. "I-I just love you so much!" Hercules cried. Marquis laughed. Hercules didn't think that was funny.

"J'aime ta personnalité! Cute!" He grinned. "That weird French dude's here?" Thomas asked, joking. "
Oh oui. Je suis très très français. Merci de me le rappeler! Maintenant parlons!" That last part was directed at Hercules, as Marquis grabbed his hand. Marquis planted a kiss on his cheeks, and then blushed.

He remembered that kiss he had with Hercules not too long ago. Marquis kind of looked around, nervously. "What's wrong?" Hercules asked him. Marquis kissed him on the lips. It was another one of those passionate kisses. Hercules low key loved it. Marquis held Hercules' cheeks and stroked them.

"It's amazing how those two are so in love and can barely speak each other's languages!" Thomas whispered to James.

"I guess love is it's own language," James smiled at his brother, who seemed very happy. Inside, still very confused. The two broke the kiss, and Marquis put his hands on his hips. "Hou la la! C'était chaud!" He smirked, putting his hands around Herc's waist. Hercules laughed. He didn't know what he said, but it had to be something weird because of his reaction to his own statement.

"Marquis, I hope you understand that I love you! Seriously!" Hercules backtracked, nervous because Marquis laughed the first time. Marquis made out bits of those words, but understood the gist of what he said.

The Frenchman lifted him up above him and planted a kiss on his nose. "Je sais!" He giggled. Hercules blushed, a bit embarrassed. Marquis quickly let him down because of Hercules' weight of a senior in high school.


Alex came running through the door with John. "Hercules! Are you okay?" He asked, with urgency.

  Hercules looked up, sitting on the couch on his phone. "Yeah, I guess," he said. "What happened?" John followed behind Hercules' voice. "I got kicked out because my dad found out about Marquis and I," Hercules sounded a bit upset.

  "How'd he find out?" John asked, sitting down. "I made out with Marquis and he walked in," that would embarrass the average person, but Hercules doesn't give a crap.

  "Oh, gosh, Herc, I'm sorry!" Alex said. John gave him a friendly hug and stood next to Alex. Thomas walked in, and Alex and him stared at each other. "Thomas," Alex grunted. "Alex," Thomas responded, giving him a glare.

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