Chapter 3- Marquis is a sassy queen

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Hercules dropped his cone. Marquis stared at him, confused. "M-My brother, James and Thomas!" He pointed to two men making out.

"Thomas?" Marquis repeated. He took a bite out of his cone. He looked over at the two, and smiled. "Cute!" He chirped. "Cute?!" Hercules was offended. He ran over to his brother, and asked him what he was doing.

"Hercules!" Thomas and James said at the same time. The two then ran off. "That's right! Run off, you cowards!" He cheered.

He then sat back down next to Marquis. "Fine?" Marquis asked him. Hercules nodded. "Oui, j'ai." He rubbed his head. They stood up, and began to walk. Hercules was so confused about life and somehow he felt betrayed by his brother.

James knew how much of a bully Thomas was to Hercules and his friend's. But, he saw them making out. Why?

Tears fell down his cheek, as he looked over. Marquis was staring straight ahead with a grin. He looked over and his grin turned into a frown. "Mon cher!" He cried, stopping. "What?" Hercules had no idea what he said.
"Je t'aime!" Hercules responded, not knowing what it meant. Little did he know these few words would change his life forever. Marquis eyes lit up. "D'accord!" He sound so excited and surprised. Hercules had no idea why.

They continued their walk, and Marquis slowly reached for his hand. Hercules looked at their hands connected. He pulled his hand away. What had he said? Hercules looked at Marquis and put a hand on his shoulder. "Confused," He said in a way Marquis could understand. "You are confused?" He said a bit more fluently.

   "Je t'aime, Hercules!" He nervously smiled.


     Hercules looked on the computer at home. "Je t'Aime," he looked up. It read,'I love you.'

  Hercules gasped and spun his chair around over to his bed. His cell phone was lying there. He picked it up and called John.
  "I rented the princess bride. I know you're a sucker for happy endings," Hercules said, luring him to come over.

   "I'm in!" He squeaked.

  He then dialed Alex.

  "John, Babe, I'm answering this in secret because I'm on a date with Eliza!" He said breathily through the phone. "John, babe? This is Hercules!" He sounded offended and confused. Silence held on the phone. "Oh," Alex said.

   "Anyways, I'm having an awesome study party where we'll be writing essays all night!" Hercules lied.

  "Essays?! Count me in!!"


   Hercules dashed around in circles. "I don't see the problem. Marquis is a great guy!" John said, smiling. "It's not that, it's that I just didn't understand what it said! I thought it meant that he was funny!" Hercules shrugged.

  He then put back on his panic face. "Not to mention I saw my brother making out with Thomas Freaking Jefferson!" He screamed. He then covered his mouth. "I hope my dad's not home," he then whispered.

  "How did I get here?" He get rambling. "Did you know that Marquis is actually very sassy?" Alex said like a stereotypical teenager. "I actually didn't know. All I hear is Giggles from him," Hercules noted.

  "Oh, Yeah! I was like,'Hey, How's your face?' You know, when he bumped his head into the wall. He responded with,'Obviously better than yours!' In french. Man, that guy's awesome! I wanna see him in a debate!" Alex smiled.

   John laughed. "Alex, you're so cute!" He smiled. Alex looked around. "Hold up-" "I said you're a hoot, Alex. Stop trying to make it as if I'm hitting on you!" John responded. "I wasn't!" Alex defended.

"We're not focusing on the real problem here!" Hercules hollered. "I'm now in a relationship with someone I literally just met last week, someone I can't even understand, and another male!"

"Let your gay flag shine!" John squeaked, making an,'Imagination rainbow' with his hands.  "But, I'm not gay!" Hercules stated. "Sure, and I'm not in the closet of being gay!" John laughed. "Wait, wha-" Alex and Hercules responded. "I said I'm not stuck in Hercules' closet!" John defended again. "But you're not," Hercules dragged his words. "That's what I'm saying!" John squeaked.

  John put his legs up to his chest and sat on the couch, rocking back and forth.

    Alex then stood up,"How about you tell him how you feel?" Hercules then shivered. "That'll ruin our entire friendship!" Hercules tried to make him understand.

     "I'll call him over," Alex said, dialing the number Marquis gave to him at lunch. He then went into the opposite room.

  "Votre amour, hercules, vous demande de venir chez lui!" Alex said, then giving him the address.

  Maybe about 2 hours later, the door ringed. Alex answered the door to see a very smiling Marquis with one hand on his hip.

  "Alex," he stated, with a joking smile. "Marie-Jane Paulisia Gilly rochbert Lafayette!" Alex tried to say his name, but he could barely remember it. Marquis bursted out laughing. "C'est drôle!" He smiled. He then walked in and saw Hercules. His smile got even bigger.

  Hercules walked towards him and gave him a hug. "Je t'aime, Hercules!" Marquis blushed and Alex let out an Aw. "Je soooey Hercules!" Hercules bowed.

  "Man, You don't have to introduce yourself in french every single time you meet," Alex whispered. "Oh, I thought i was," Hercules said aloud. Marquis didn't laugh as much this time. Must've gotten old.

   "So there's something  I need to tell you," Hercules looked away.


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