Chapter 22: Beach Time

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   "It's a lovely day in New York City," Marie smiled. It was Saturday morning and it was just her and Sarah sitting there at the table. They weren't sure if the boys were up yet, so they waited for them to come down.

   "Oh, of course," Sarah took a sip of coffee. "So, tell me, Marie. How much longer is this going to go on?" She tried not to sound rude.

   Marie laid back a bit in her seat. She tried not to fidget, but it was too obvious. "W-Well, I'm not sure. I'm honestly really scared, Sarah." She told her. "You're safe with us," Sarah responded with a smile.

   James walked down the stairs and got into the cabinet. "Excuse me, James? What do you think you're doing?" She asked, sternly.

    James turned around, confused. "Um, getting out cereal?" He didn't sound sure of himself. "I told you. The only food you'll be eating is lunch because I can't get the school to starve you for lunch," Sarah crossed her arms.

   James eyes kind of widened, but then closed. He gently closed the cabinet and went to sit down. "I changed my mind. You're sitting on the floor," Sarah pointed to the floor. James looked at her giving him a nod of approval. He slowly sat on the ground next to his chair.

  "Good, James," She followed his actions with her words. James was so freaking confused. What is she doing to him? That's when Hercules walked down. James started having a coughing fit. "Honey, learn how to breathe correctly, maybe?" Sarah asked with sarcasm. Who was this lady?

    Marie looked at James on the floor and continued to drink the coffee. She didn't really know what it was like to raise a child in America, so she never really questioned.

   Hercules sat down. "Where's Marquis?" Marie asked, setting her coffee down. "He's sleeping," Hercules smiled. "I wonder if you boys want to go to the beach? We'll hire a police officer to go with you guys, but I'm sure they can get someone your age to have fun with," Sarah informed. Marie nodded. They had been talking about it yesterday.

    Hercules wasn't so sure about that. That's when he looked on the floor. "Dude, why are you on the floor?" Hercules asked. James shivered. "Ask mom," he whispered. Sarah laughed and patted James on the head. "He's practicing for a part in a role at school," Sarah grinned.

    Hercules paused.

   "A part at school?" He wasn't so sure about that. "James wouldn't get in front of so many people." That's when Sarah laughed. "He's trying something new!" Her voice was energetic so all Hercules did was shrug.

   It was 9:00 in the morning when Marquis got up. He quietly walked down the stairs. "Well, look who's up," Marie grinned, sitting on the couch with the rest of the homies.

   Marquis threw himself down the stairs. Everyone just stared at him. "Well, that's different," His mother stated, lacking emotion. Hercules and Marie quickly walked over to him and helped him up. "Je vais tuer ces escaliers!" He slammed his fist against the wooden floor. "You're different, Marquis," Hercules chucked as his boyfriend's feet stood on the floor. Marquis just stared at him, oddly.

    "Different?" He repeated. Marie laughed as Sarah came to join them. "Do you want to go to the beach with James and Hercules, hon?" She asked him. Marie repeated that in french to Marquis. He tilted his head. They have beaches here? He knows the beach at his old home like he knows himself. He was getting pretty excited now.

   "Oui!" He sounded a bit too excited, bouncing a bit.


    James, Hercules, and Marquis were just going to walk to the beach, but that'd take an hour. So, they walked a couple of blocks and met Thomas to pick them up.

    He pulled in his Magenta car, wearing sunglasses, a purple t-shirt, and a peace sign formed with his fingers. He held a huge grin.

   "Thanks, Thomas!" James winked at him and hopped into the convertible. Marquis and Hercules hopped into the back. As soon as they got in, Thomas blasted Wannabe by Spice Girls. Marquis screamed and put his arms in the air with a huge grin. "Calm down, Marquis. It's just a song," Hercules laughed,


    "The squad's all here then," Alex grinned. John stood next to him, throwing a beach ball in the air again and again. Hercules was too busy trying not to look at Marquis. Thomas and James might as well just start making out at the beach.

   Their feet were buried in the sand, not moving. "Let's get in the water," John smiled, grabbing Alex's hand. "I'll just watch from a distance," Alex responded, awkwardly removing his hand from John's.

   John just blinked. "Um, okay. You sure?" His voice sounded softer. "Yeah, I'll be fine." His boyfriend responded with a reassuring smile.

   "Hey, Marquis. Don't worry about the water it's-" Hercules tried to sound really brave and heroic, but the beach was nothing new to Marquis. He just hopped right in.

   "Hm, well that's new," Hercules muttered to himself. He was new to all of this, but he wanted to be looked up to in some way in his early days.

    He shrugged and hopped in with Marquis. It was pretty peaceful until James and Thomas came in there. Thomas ran into the water holding James up in the air, charging every wave.

   That's when the Thomas lowered James a little to kiss him on the lips for a bit. James grinned right after. Thomas did the same. He slowly let James down, giving him one more kiss on the lips. James took his hand and dragged him out farther into the ocean.

   Hercules and Marquis laughed as the Frenchie wrapped his arm around Hercules' neck from behind, putting his nose into Hercules' neck with a smile. Hercules felt a bit uncomfortable at first, but rolled with it. They walked around like this somehow.

    That's when Marquis picked Herc up bridal style and hugged him like that. Hercules was in confused mode. Why was he doing this, exactly? That's when a little girl attacked Marquis' foot and he went tumbling into the water with Hercules. They sat up, confused.

   "Hey," She was around 4 or 5. "Bonjour, Petite Fille?" Marquis asked instead of stating. She hugged jumped up onto the man laying on the ocean sand and hugged him. "What's your name?" Hercules asked, wondering why a 4 year old was walking along a public beach alone.

   "Penny," She stated with excitement. Marquis got up, picking her up with him. He held her in his arms. "New phone. Who dis?" John joked, walking over. "This is Penny. We don't know where she came from," Hercules threw in.

   "I hear ya, Marquis. Picking up chicks and all that," Alex joked, walking from behind John. Hercules almost freaking threw up, trying not to laugh. He regained himself and tried to ask Penny another question.


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