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a/n) YALLSTERS IM BACK FROM CHINA AND I HAVE MAJOR JET LAG. its like 8am and i havent slept uwu

your pov //

we went to the hospital today.

all the bodies that washed ashore were taken in and were recovering. daehwi and i frantically searched around woojin's body, asking the nurses and doctors for help. all of them had said something in japanese but i couldn't understand. each time we'd asked, daehwi's face became more solemn or serious.

"maybe in this room," i said, once we reached the 17th floor. daehwi sighs and shakes his head.
"no, we're done," daehwi said. "they haven't found anyone named woojin. let's check back tomorrow, noona, i gave a nurse my phone number and she said she'll call me if she finds him."
"how would they know if it's woojin?" i asked him, starting to sound desperate again.
"finger prints, of course," daehwi smiled. "and woojin always keeps his ID in his pocket, zipped up."

after describing to the nurses about what woojin looked like, we went back to daehwi's home and sat on a mat silently. we didn't really do anything. we just sat down and thought about things to ourselves.

things like if woojin was really dead or not, or if he was one of the bodies that were washed ashore. he could still be in the ocean and we wouldn't know.


A: good ending


i open my eyes and look up, seeing daehwi's face with tears in his eyes.

"what? why? what's wrong?" i asked him. he pulled my arm, making me sit up.
"get ready, we're going to the hospital," he says, his voice shaking. "woojin is alive. he's not in a coma."

the world felt like it was splashed with so much colour.

we went to the hospital as fast as we could, and ran up the stairs to the 5th floor, and into the room where woojin was supposed to be in. I looked around, panting heavily. what if he really wasn't here? what if the call was just a prank?

as i was starting to become reluctant, i finally see him.

park woojin, the love of my life, was awake, sitting up in bed, reading a book. i gasped and ran to him. he looked shocked at first, and confused, but then he grinned that adorable grin of his and pulled me into the most warm, most loving hug he'd ever given me.

"you're okay," i said, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks. woojin plants a kiss on my forehead.
"i'm so sorry," he muttered.
"no, don't be. it's not your fault," i tell him, pressing my lips against his for a kiss. he kisses me back, pulling me closer to him. i felt a mix of so many different but similar emotions. the world was a mix of different colours. the world felt so bright now.

i hear someome cough. i pull apart from woojin and turn around, and see daehwi smiling awkwardly while wiping away tears. i laughed, and pulled daehwi towards us for a group hug.

we've all been through so, so much. it's miraculous that woojin was in an okay condition, that he didn't leave the world. it's miraculous that he will be here, alive, with all of us.

he will be in my future, and i will be in his.

things are always so magical when you keep your head up as high as your hopes.


B: bad ending

"i got a call," daehwi said. "woojin's body was found."
"oh my god," i muttered. he was finally found, after more than a week. he could be alive. he could be in a coma right now and could be recovering. all my hopes raised up, and i felt tears coming to my eyes.

"but he has no pulse."

suddenly, the world turned into a damn nightmare.
i felt all my thoughts, senses and emotion disappear.

just when i thought things could have a happy ending, a twist always happens.

the funeral was held a month later in seoul.

everyone was wearing the colour black, and had solemn expressions. tears were rolling down their cheeks but they never sobbed. all they did was look down. i didn't want to cry. although i felt my throat clogging up and i was starting to sniff and i felt my eyes get watery, i didn't want to cry. woojin wouldn't want me to cry.

as the funeral started, people who were close with woojin said their prayers and short speeches up on the stage and looked at woojin's corpse for one last time. there were so many people. people that i never knew existed. people that woojin never mentioned to me, although i recognized some of their names.

it was now my turn.

i walked up onto the stage and held onto the microphone firmly, and take a look at the people who came to woojin's funeral. i cleared my throat.

"park woojin is someone incredibly special to me," i started, remembering to use present tense. "we had a hell of a ride in life together, having so many ups and downs. he always said he loved me first, and i have regret that i didn't return the love to him sooner. it's a shame that the last thing interaction i'd had with him was an argument. the next thing i know, the love of my life is not with us anymore.
"woojin is vague, but so loving and warm. i love him with all my heart and i will keep loving him as time passes on. however i will not cry about our loss of one so special. i will smile. he was with us for a duration of time and made many memories. i will smile because he was here with us. i..."

i paused, and i felt the tears come out.

"i'm just incredibly sorry for him. he didn't deserve any of this."

i place the microphone back and looked at woojin's pale body.

"i love you so much," i said, pecking his forehead. "i will see you soon, woojin."

and that was the last time i saw his face.


a/n ) sorry that the endings are so short ouch

Anyways, yes, this story has come to an end. it's been a long ass ride, hasn't it? Like I saiid way in the beginning, I updated frequently, regularly and forgot about my wattpad, and slowly. I sincerely hope that all of you has enjoyed this story and I'm sorry that the endings are so short, but my mind just went to a blank lmao.

Thank you for voting and reading!! ILYASM <333333

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