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park woojin's pov //

i tried reaching holding onto y/n's hand but she slipped away.
i was out of the classroom now, wondering what to do. or panicking, perhaps. i ran back and forth, trying to find someone for help. eventually i bumped into someone. i was afraid that one of the guys from the group had found me.
"woojin! woojin! relax!" it was just the teary-eyed boy. "let me help!" i was in disbelief; this guy, who was just seen in the group trying to act tough, is now wanting to help me? help y/n?
"how will you help?" i shout unintentionally. my mind was just racing around. it couldn't be controlled.
he held my hand quickly and ran to a classroom. fortunately there were students in there, working on their homework assignments. they jerk their heads towards us.
"help us, please," the boy said, his voice sounding as if he were about to cry. the students got up, each of them asking what's wrong. "call the police, woojin. we'll handle them." i took out my phone and dialed the emergency number while they went back to the room where the fight was happening.
"please please please," i say, pacing back and forth. "pick up..." i inhale.
"emergency services, what is your emergency?" the dispatcher asked. i exhaled.
"t-there is a fight. a group of students are surrounding my girlfriend and attacking her," i choked out. i could feel the tears rolling down my face, but everything just felt really numb right now. i was too worried and anxious to be calm or feel anything.
"where are you located right now, sir?" she asked.
"at the school near the bingsu cafe. please come, quick!" i said.
"please be calm now, sir. the police and ambulance are on their way," she says calmly. how could i be calm? my girlfriend is getting her body brusied by a bunch of fucking jerks right now, and i'm just calling a woman on the phone while everyone is getting hurt. i felt nauseous. i went back into the room slowly, trying to calm myself down.
the students that were helping us, and the teary-eyed boy were on the ground, sitting down, trying to catch their breath. y/n was on the ground as well, lying down. she was completely bruised up. her blood was pouring out everywhere.
i ran to her.
"shh, don't talk. save your stamina, love."
i looked up to the boy. he was holding his right shoulder in pain, and he, too, had a lot of cuts and bruises. he was smiling.
"thank you," i say. i look around the classroom. the other students, although they were hurt, were smiling as well. i felt bad for suddenly disrupting their study time.
"i think... th-that—" the boy paused to cough, "that she b-broke a lot of bones. maybe some internal damage as well, i don't know." i looked down at y/n. her eyes were closed, and her breaths were so small i got panicky again.
i hoped that the ambulance appears soon.

a/n ) im wondering if i should do different writing styles for different characters..?

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