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a/n ) i have been a fucking mess since thursday :/ also since my nails are long, writing at night is a pain bc all u hear is them clicking as loud as my voice lmfao

daehwi's pov //

a week has passed without any sign of park woojin alive.
it has been confirmed—although it is still considered an assumption by y/n—that all passengers of the plane crash has been killed. the police, the investigators, and basically all of the people who have heard this news have also agreed and accepted the fact that they all have passed away. well except for one stubborn ass named y/n. at this point i was irritated about how she talked about woojin being alive after A CRASH THAT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO SURVIVE.

like okay sis, i get it, he's alive, please just...
oh my god just shut up.

i don't want to seem selfish or rude, but i was on the verge of throwing hands, screaming, and throwing her out of the window when she was talking about woojin being alive for, hm, let's see, about the millionth time.
"he can swim," she said. i ignored her and walked out of the room. she stood up and followed me into the kitchen, still rambling on and on about how woojin can survive because he's strong and he can do whatever the fuck he wanted to do.
"he can survive a crash like that, dae—"
"noona i think i've got it by now, since that is all you've been talking about for ONE WEEK. okay, might not seem like much, but I HAVE EARS, I CAN LISTEN, I CAN HEAR, i don't need anything being repeated on and on and on. you're sounding like the essays i wrote in elementary school. okay if that's what you think, just please talk about something else you're really boring me out and i am on the verge of sending you back to korea."

she stares at me.
shit, have i said too much all of a sudden?

y/n walks out of the kitchen to her room and slams the door.

well at least i've spoken my thoughts.


your pov //

what the actual hell is with this lil bitch ass named daehwi?

does he not agree on the fact that there is a chance that park woojin could still be alive? i mean yeah, my hopes are just as low as my grades in school but there's a probability that my lover is out in the ocean threading water, struggling desperately to get as much oxygen as possible into his lungs to barely live.

why didn't the plane just landed on the surface of the water like they show in those safety manuals, oh my god. if crashing down into the water with the thoughts of "fuck it we finna die in the end anyway lol see y'all in hell" while dabbing wasn't incredibly stupid then i don't know what is.
well, the crash into the depths of water was during—in fact— a storm so there's really no possible way of being able to land the plane on water peacefully and smoothly.

i'm really just going to have to live with the eternal thoughts of the chances of woojin being out there alone in the ocean, aren't i? i swear, if this all turns into that one post where the husband texts the wife like 5 years later after he has supposedly been assumed dead like "I'M ALIVE, BITCH", i'm going to slap a person.

woojin would be the type to do that.

these kinds of thoughts were honestly cheering me up, though. i was getting a break from being depressed about his "death" and anxious on whether he was alive or not. at this point, thinking about worst case scenarios like him getting eaten by a shark just sounds straight up stupid and unrealistic.

but this doesn't mean i have moved on and accepted and/or agreed that he is dead and i'm now laughing at my own thoughts from my own brain. no. i was tired of sulking around and i needed a break from rambling on and on about how he could be alive, from letting out tears at 2am from the thoughts of woojin being physically gone, from just spreading out negative thoughts in general.

thinking that he might be alive is positive, but as daehwi said—even now i admit i have gone overboard—nothing needs to be repeated on and on, and i needed to stop talking about the same exact topic 24/7. i was even boring myself out.

someone knocks on my door.

"come in," i hummed, snapping back into reality from my small thoughts session. daehwi opens the door, smiling apologetically with a box of kumamon pocky. it wasn't pepero with exo on it, but i'll take what i can get. he closes the door behind him and sits on the chair beside the desk.

"i have news," he started, throwing the box of pocky at me.
"hit me up, then," i said, immediately opening the box and ripping the plastic.
"well first off, i'm sorry for sounding like a dick earlier," he said.
i shook my head. "yeah, no, it's fine, i agree with you," i say through a stuffed mouth. daehwi looked disgusted.

"anyways," he says. i could see his hands starting to shake and his eyes sparkling. i couldn't tell whether it was going to be good news or bad, since daehwi's eyes could sparkle or brighten up with fear when he was nervous. although i guess you could tell, since he'd have some kind of vibe.

"several bodies have washed up ashore," he said. "it was said that they are just in a coma or unconscious, and some have hypothermia. they were floating on their backs so they could breathe."
"wait hold up," i said. "w-what? you're telling me they survived a fucking week—"
"that's exactly what i'm telling you."

a/n ) yikes plot twist. idfk anymore is it even possible to survive like this?? how tf did they get outta the plane? idfk man its late i should go 2 sleep.

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