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i woke up feeling energetic today. (a/n iM FEELING SO EN— *dies*)
i'm not sure why, really. i just woke up feeling suuuuper pumped up and ready to go. i took a lukewarm shower this morning, and ate breakfast with my parents again. we were eating that diy toast thing we had yesterday. probably because the bread was about to expire and mom wanted to use it before it got spoiled.
"morning, scout," dad smiled at me. "you look happy today." i smile back and eat my toast plain.
"so, y/n, eunha called last night," mom started, "said there was a new boy named park woojin who seemed to catch your attention." eunha.
"park woojin?" i say, not daring to look up at her or sound nervous. she'll think i like him for sure. "yeah, i know the guy. we're friends. i think. acquaintances at least." i look up at her slowly. she looks at me with a look that definitely says, you like him. i shake my head. she nods as if i weren't telling the truth.
i'm going to kill eunha. i swear.

i was holding onto her shoulders, shaking her violently.
"does your mother really think you like him now?" eunha asks me, laughing. i nod my head. "eunha you little..." i groaned and layed my head on her shoulder. she laughs her angellic laugh, and pats me on the head.
"i see no future for me anymore," i mumble into her neck. eunha lifts my head up and slaps my face lightly. "what the fu—"
"hey, listen, y/n," now she was the one holding onto my shoulders and shaking me. "you're going to go out with park woojin no matter what. i swear, he's literally your ideal type. you guys will make the most mysterious children ever. just imagine." she swings her arms and twirls around. "ohhh it's going to be so cute!"
"eunha you shittake mushroom," i facepalm. i was embarrassed on her behalf. this girl really has no shame.
"y/n! you. aren't. getting. the. point!" she was practically screaming now, and there were people staring at us. whispering to each other about us. "PARK WOOJIN IS—"
"hey, y/n," he smiled, hugging me from behind. speak of the devil. why did he even. i am going to kill him.
eunha stares at us, her jaw dropped.
"it's not what you—"
"fuck you too, woojin."

we decided to go get bingsu after school again. i avoided eunha for the rest of the day successfully, and it's surprising, because eunha literally pops up behind my back every 6 minutes. we sit down at the seat we sat at yesterday, both of us ordering the same thing. woojin was staring at me. i felt a bit uncomfortable, but i liked having him stare at me. makes me feel all tingly on the inside.
"why?" he asks, smiling. i stuff a spoonful of the shaved ice into my mouth. woojin giggles, his snaggle tooth (in which i just found out he had one. it looks so cute.) showing.
"why what?" i ask back. he always just seems to ask something so suddenly.
"why are you so pretty?" he asks. his voice was warm. i remember my dream again. "i can't take my eyes off of you."
"haha. nice joke," i nodded at him. he shakes his head and takes my hands, making me drop my spoonful of the shaved ice i was about to eat. "woojin i wanted to eat that—" but he hushes me.
"i'm serious, y/n," he smiled. "you are the most beautiful person i have ever met." his voice was so warm i felt as if it was melting me and my bingsu. i stay silent, my cheeks growing warm. he holds onto my right hand and presses his lips to my skin.
"let's hang out more. please," he says quietly. the way his lips moved against the back of my hand made me agree right away.

a/n) im so tired wow im gonna go sleep now

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