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"y/n," my mom says, her voice serious; maybe even angry. "what is this?"
i look up and see that she is holding her phone with a video playing... of me and woojin kissing underneath the large tree we were at yesterday. what? who'd recorded us, and how'd my mom find out?
"w-what?" i asked. i suddenly felt a surge of panic and everything started feeling hot, although the weather was still pretty cool.
"do you have something to tell us?" she asks me, crossing her arms. dad comes into the room looking disappointed. i suddenly feel as if my whole world had just fallen down. everything felt like it was drifting away from me.
"hey! answer me!" mom slams her phone onto my desk, making me jump. she sounds incredibly angry, and i felt incredibly loss. "we'd already made an agreement, y/n, why did you see him again?!" i felt the tears forming in my eyes and a mix of emotions.
anger. sadness. guilt. and a large amount of desire.
"i n-needed to see him," i say, holding back tears. i was not going to cry. not today. "i needed to tell him that i will still love him, even if my parents disallow me to be with him."
"we," my mom says again, her voice low, "have made a deal, y/n. there will be consequences. we have told you to avoid him and yet you are still with him? doing things we don't want you to be doing?!"
"mom, it's not like you've never kissed someone before!" i said, feeling a sudden burst of anger. "why? what's wrong with woojin? why can't i just love someone? why can't i just be loved, either?" the tears were already pouring out. i couldn't hold them in, but at this point i don't even care, and i just want to tell her than i am now grown up and i can do what i want.
"who are you to talk to your mother like that?" she slaps me on the side of my face. "we made a deal, y/n!"
"that's enough, jiyeon," dad says, holding her hands. "i'll talk to her."
"she'll never learn!" she says, pulling out of dad's grip on her wrists. "she needs to know that she can't trust everyone she likes.."
"jiyeon," dad grabs her hand again and pulls her out of the room, mumbling sentences i couldn't hear.
all i hear was just static noises.
i didn't expect my heart to be broken in a way like this. i didn't expect my world to fall apart.
i let out a cry and drop down onto my bed.

"y/n?" a voice says.
i felt someone sitting on the edge of my bed. i take a look at the person— it was just dad. not woojin, the one i loved. not mom, the one i now dislike.
i sit up, but then curl up into a ball, facing away from dad's face.
"leave me be," i mutter. "i'll just be a disappointment. well, actually, i already am."
"no, y/n, look at me." i sit up reluctantly and look at him. everything looks blurry and i couldn't really feel any emotion.
"i don't blame you nor woojin," he starts. "i know it's been hard for you and it was wrong of me to just... suddenly tell you to avoid him without a clear reason to. the reason was, his father was... not a very good man and i felt as if his traits passed onto his son, but it was wrong of me to make assumptions. i'd realized that woojin is actually a nice boy. i'm... i'm sorry."
suddenly i felt all the emotions rush back. sadness, relief and still a hint of guilt. the tears came pouring out again. dad picks up the box of tissues from my desk and places it beside me.
"what about... mom?" i asked quietly.
"don't worry about her. she's still the one who holds grudges. at least she's still herself," dad laughs. i smile. i felt pieces of my world come back, although i still felt broken.
"but there's something i need to tell you," he says, sighing and taking off his glasses. "the one who posted the video of you snd woojin was eunha." my jaw drops.
"eunha? as in hwang eunha?" i felt anger. "damn it! that's why she was ignoring me when i saw her that day.."
"i didn't expect the one to ruin your privacy to be one of your closest friends," dad says sadly.
i surely didn't either. hwang eunha; the one who i'd trusted.
the one who'd promised that she'll cover up for me.
the one who would've named my first child with woojin, and babysit them.
and now, the one who i no longer trust, and the one who destroyed my world for a few hours.


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