01 / intro

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!! (!! = warning)

i was getting attacked from every side.
punched, kicked, insulted... you name it. whatever you named, it was probably happening to me.
i was breathing hard. there was this circle of people surrounding me, and everyone was laughing and taking turns to hurt me. but i couldn't cry. i couldn't cry out for help or scream or do anything. i was just silent, and breathing hard. the blood was just prickling down my face, my body. quickly.
the more i got hurt the more everyone laughed with joy.
the more my blood, sweat and tears fell the more everyone attacked.
it was an endless cycle of pain, but it was the kind of pain you couldn't actually feel.
the attacks were just never ending. more people came and the circle of people kept growing bigger and bigger, which meant that more people needed a turn to hit, insult or do some other thing to me.
it was all hopless.
but then a voice screamed out. a voice that wasn't a snicker or a mean laugh. it was a voice trying to help.
"stop!" the voice screams.
all of a sudden i could feel all the pain. my body ached and felt sore, and everything hurt. i fell to my knees and choked. fortunately the people that were hurting me did stop. i look up. there, i saw a boy wearing a bright red jacket with a white t-shirt under and white ripped jeans. he had an unforgettable smile.
"why are you guys hurting her? jeez, heartless people," he snapped. as if he was the leader of a group, the circle of people started fading away. i was still on my knees and crying hard.
"are you okay?" he asked me so warmly i felt as if i was melting. i didn't know how to respond. every time i opened my mouth to speak, a cry just comes out. he helps me up. he didn't care that his clean t-shirt became dirty because of all the blood on me. he pulls out his phone and dials the emergency number.
"please help, my girlfriend got hurt," he said after a while. the shock from him mentioning me as girlfriend gave me the power to look up at him in the eyes and smile. my body still ached, and all of my muscles really just hurt. the tears started pouring out again.
"thank you," i say quietly, resting my head on his shoulder.

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