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woojin and i weren't dating.
we're just more than friends, i guess. the reason why we're not dating yet is because i'm afraid. afraid that someone will intentionally or unintentionally end the bond. afraid someone will leave. afraid of being judged. afraid of love in general. it seems weird, because basically all the girls in school either wants a boyfriend or has a boyfriend, because no one here likes being single. if you're single you're the odd one out. it's considered a must, not optional. other places, being single is like being free but here? it's just a joke. people think it's ridiculous.
i don't know if woojin wants to date me or not but he has stated several times that he is in love with me, and i tell him that i am also in love with him, but none of us had asked if we wanted to become boyfriend/girlfriend. maybe he's afraid too. i might've somehow had a dick personality while he basically does everything he can to protect me, so maybe that's one reason why he isn't asking. we're just "going out". it's not exactly dating, but at the same time, it's not just hanging out with a friend.
it's something more.
but i'm not sure.
woojin held my hand while we walked along a cherry-blossom covered trail.
he was quieter than usual today, and more clingy and touchy. he held my hand a lot, even in school when we weren't supposed to. i felt a bit reluctant because there were teachers everywhere and i was scared we'd get caught, but woojin smiles at me and says that it'll be okay. i'm not sure if i'm okay, though.
he eventually stops walking, and sighs. i wonder if i did something wrong today. he turns over and held both of my hands, and looked at me in the eyes. he smiles, then looks down to his shoes and mumbles something i didn't hear.
"say it again?" i ask quietly. woojin glanced up at me, and i noticed his face turned red.
"i say this a lot," he says gently. "i, park woojin, a strange person, am in love with you, y/n, a beautiful girl who i want to spend my future with." he does say this a lot. but this time his tone was different. it was serious, and i could tell he wasn't joking around.
"i-i'm not really... y'know, good with flirting or with girls or anything," he says quickly, "but i really am in love with you. the first time i saw you in homeroom was the first time i felt that i was in love. the first time my heart skipped a beat and did a flip. i felt like you were the one. you were and are beautiful i felt as if i lost my words. when mr. kim told me to introduce myself, i felt nervous, like if i said something embarrassing you would hate me and never notice me but... i mean... aw gee, i'm rambling." he nervously laughs, and squeezed my hands.
"all i'm saying is," woojin says, "that i want you to be in my future. to be with me in my future." i was still speechless.
a flower path is always magical. his words were so warm it melted my heart. what did i ever do to deserve someone like him?
"or.. i mean, if you don't want to," he awkwardly says, " it's fine. i mean i can just ask someone else but—"
i get the courage and pushed myself closer to him. something i wanted to do with him was finally happening.
our lips pressed against each other.
the cherry blossoms spun around us.
it will be him, park woojin, and i, y/n, in our future.

a/n ) this is irrelevant but i just ate 3 blueberry muffins lmfao

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