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"eunha! hey!" i wave at her.
she smiles at me, and walks over. this was the first time i realized how fake and forced her smile looks, not at all real or genuine or angellic like how i used to think it looked. she bounces around, her smile so wide and her eyes so squinted you could look past her. how much of a "friend" she actually is.
"hi y/n!" she smiled. i had a feeling she has been waiting long for me. "i told your mom that you've been going to the city alone!" i crossed my arms and forced a smile. the aura between us was tense.
"i know," i say through gritted teeth. "my mom told me and i told you to cover up for me." eunha raises her eyebrows and sneers.
"you look a little... angry," she says, still smiling. "what's wrong? is it because someone posted a video of you and your boyfriend making out when you were forbidden to meet him?" i stopped smiling and frowned, but didn't say anything.
"oh! i'll just go over to the one i trust the most to just lie for me!" she mocked, her voice getting louder. "so that i could break rules, because i don't know what consequences are!" eunha starts maniacally laughing, her voice echoeing throughout the corridor. i could feel the stares of other students, hear the whispers of other students.
"y/n," eunha says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "we all know what you've done in your past school. having affairs with boys and men that are soooo out of your league? ha. i know you know better, sweetheart. you moved here to have a fresh start from all of that hell you've been through, but you decided to go with someone who you aren't supposed to fucking be with?! you want all that drama to start all over again, do you?!" her face got closer to mine every second. her breath smells like the liquor my mom drinks. she got silent, and everyone was still staring.
"you smell like you've just drank alcohol," i say, loud enough for everyone to hear. all the students gasp, and a teacher came by and holds eunha by the shoulders.
"clever and witty as usual!" she yells. "THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES! YOU HEAR ME?!"
i stood there, my arms still crossed, my face still staring straight at her. her psychotic laughs and words echo throughout the corridor as she gets taken away by the teachers.
although i now dislike her,
i still feel as if a piece of me got taken away.

"how did she even know about that rumour?" i asked jieun.
jieun, after all this time was just an outcast. she was from my old school, and was a year older than me. we were friends back then but got lost after all the drama that was happening. she never liked to pick up fights or join sides. we decided to meet again after a while of not seeing each other, excluding video calls.
jieun shrugs and fiddles with her straw. "i heard she's now dating daniel," she says. although she doesn't like going into drama she always knows about what's happening. i admire that.
"that's no wonder," i say, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. "how did they even meet?"
"you wouldn't like the story," she frowned at me, taking a sip of her bubble tea. "kind of sad, honestly."
"no, please tell me," i say, sitting up straight. jieun's eyes focused on mine and nodded. she takes off her glasses and sighs.
"you remember donghyun?" she asks. i nod. the one who's practically the leader of the entire school, whether you were new or not, you had to respect him. i learnt that pretty quickly. "he actually got expelled from the school, and moved to yours."
"what?!" my jaw drops. "seriously? i've never even seen the guy around our school before!"
"he's in detention most of the time or has like, one on one classes," jieun says, shaking her head. "anyway, he met eunha one day, and they hung around—"
"how do you know all of this stuff?" i ask her quickly. jieun smiles and puts her glasses back on.
"i have my ways," she smiled. "anyway, they quickly became friends, and eunha quickly joined their clique. eunha liked daniel a lot and they started dating. of course since they're uh, against you now, daniel told eunha about the affair rumour and made her change her mind completely about you."
"jeez," i say. the story made me lose my appetite and my bubble tea tasted disgusting now. "are you a spy by the way?"
jieun laughs. a genuine, real, and angellic laugh. "it's like they're always there, wherever i go," she said, adjusting her glasses. "that, or they just seem to be everywhere. the people who's in donghyun's group. oh, and i also learnt to eavesdrop."
i facepalm, and jieun laughs again.
"well, eonni, thank you for hanging out today. sorry we lost touch," i said, smiling at her. jieun smiles and nods.
"no problem" she said. "i wish you and woojin the best of luck. be aware, okay?"
i nodded, and we walk away.
guess i found a replacement for eunha. the piece that was taken away from me earlier has been refilled.

a/n ) tbh now my mind is just making up the story line as i go lol

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