Chapter 27 ~ A confession

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Saturday came quicker than anticipated. Sam had fallen asleep at 10 pm the night prior, so he woke up at 8 am after a 10 hour sleep. Dean and Charlie had crashed at 4am, waking up at 9am after only 5 hours of sleep.

Sam's date began at noon, so he quickly got ready, and, without telling Dean or Charlie, ran out while they were both showering in different bathrooms. Sam ran to the nearby park, where Gabriel had insisted they meet up.

Sam had been sitting there for around 45 minutes when none other than his brother and Charlie pulled up in Dean's car.

"Don't run from me Sammy." Dean spoke as he walked up to his younger brother.

"How'd you know where I was?"

"Cas texted me, said his family had decided to also tag along to the theme park, but let you and Gabriel go off on your own. He told me to meet him here. Said he'd arrive in about ten minutes." Dean explained casually, as Sam fidgeted.

"Don't try to run from us again Sam. You are not gonna prevent me from seeing my ship." Charlie hissed, tossing her hair back.

"Your ship?" Sam questioned, tilting his head.

"You and Gabriel. I ship you two now, and you're not stopping me." Charlie replied, pursing her lips.

"I guess I can ship you and Jo then, hmm?" Sam shot back, raising an eyebrow. Charlie shrugged.

Sure enough, Cas arrived exactly ten minutes later, along with pretty much his entire family.
"Hello Dean. Sam. My mom, dad and siblings are all coming with us." Cas explained as he approached them. Gabriel ran towards Sam, crashing into his arms before Sam could even register it.

"Heya Sam!" Gabriel cried, a smile on his face as he pulled away. "Heya Dean. Heya Charlie."
Charlie nodded. "Hello Gabriel."

"This is my family." Gabriel spoke, moving aside slightly to show his family, who had stepped out of the car.

"I don't think we've ever been introduced. I'm Chuck Novak, Gabriel and Castiel's father." Chuck stated, holding out his hand for Sam and Dean to both shake.

"And I am Gabriel and Castiel's mother, Becky." Becky introduced, eagerly shaking both Dean and Sam's hands. "And these are our other sons, Lucifer, Raphael, Balthazar and Samandriel. And those two over there," Becky pointed to two dark haired girls standing hand in hand, '"are the twins, Hannah and Hael. And the guy over there is Michael. He's not biologically related to any of us but he's at our house so often he's practically a Novak."

All 6 of the Novak siblings (excluding Gabriel and Castiel) nodded, along with Michael.

"Ok well, let's head to the amusement park!" Charlie cried. "I'm not gonna wait all day!"

Charlie, Dean, Sam, Cas and Gabriel all piled into the impala, and the Novaks (And Michael) all packed into Chuck, Lucifer and Raphael's cars.

The drive to the theme park was nearly an hour. The drive was filled with Charlie talking eagerly about shows with Gabriel, her teasing Sam, and Castiel talking about a few random things he was interested in with Dean.

As soon as they arrived, they stood in line to purchase tickets for Sam, Dean and Charlie (The Novaks- and Michael- all already had tickets).

As soon as tickets were bought, everyone split into their own groups. Chuck and Becky ran off with Raphael, Hannah and Hael. Lucifer took off with Michael. Balthazar dragged Samandriel off somewhere, and Charlie chased after Dean and Cas. Gabriel and Sam were left to take off anywhere they desired.

"Let's go to that rollercoaster!" Gabriel cried excitedly, pointing to a giant roller coaster.

"That's the biggest one." Sam whined, but Gabriel used puppy eyes and Sam caved in. Gabriel dragged Sam from rollercoaster to rollercoaster, and Sam went on every single one.

Sam wasn't the biggest fan of rollercoasters, but they could be quite fun. Gabriel then found a candy shop, and Sam was dragged in, and forced to buy candy. At a little past 2, they stopped to get lunch at a restaurant inside the park.

Meanwhile, Charlie had practically dragged Dean and Cas onto every ride she could find. Dean had been complaining about being dragged everywhere, but Cas didn't mind. Strangely, he was just content to watch Dean and follow him around the entire time. He didn't quite yet know why, but he shrugged it off. At 2:30, Charlie found a burger restaurant, and the three of them all got burgers and drinks there.

They all ran into Lucifer and Michael, who had been going on all the biggest rollercoasters, per Lucifer's request. They walked around with Lucifer and Michael a little until some homophobe yelled something at Lucifer and Michael, and the three of them all walked away as fast as they could as Michael had to hold Lucifer back from pouncing on the man.
Charlie found a merch store, one that Dean had to drag her away from. Cas pointed out a rollercoaster, and they stood in the nearly hour long line.

Sam and Gabriel, meanwhile, had found their way to the ferris wheel. As soon as they got on, Gabriel grabbed Sam's hand and refused to let go. As the ferris wheel slowly went higher and higher, the two of them looked out at the 4 o'clock sky.

"This is so beautiful." Gabriel spoke softly, looking out at the park. "Not quite as beautiful as you though."

"Stooop." Sam whispered, as Gabriel put a hand on his cheek.

"Make me."

Despite being almost at the top, and in full view of many people, Sam kissed Gabriel swiftly on the lips. As Sam pulled away, Gabriel just smirked. "That's the first official time you've initiated a kiss."

Sam stared into Gabriel's eyes, getting lost in the beautiful, golden orbs. "Your eyes are beautiful." He whispered, staring intensely into Gabriel's eyes.

"Yours are too." Gabriel remarked, pushing back a strand of Sam's hair. "Such a beautiful hazely color."

The two of them remained in silence for the rest of the ride. As soon as they got off, Gabriel proclaimed he had to go to the bathroom, and Sam just followed him as he ran off.

The bathroom Gabriel had chosen was rather secluded and empty, but had a remarkably beautiful view of a garden inside the park. As Gabriel was in the bathroom, Sam prepared himself to confess. He was ready, just nervous. He knew he didn't have any reason to be nervous, he just was.

When Gabriel came out of the bathroom, Sam was waiting by the view of the garden.

"Alright, ready to go?" Gabriel asked.

"I actually wanna say something first, if you don't mind." Sam spoke shyly. Gabriel tilted his head, a bit confused, but nevertheless walked over to Sam.

"What is it kiddo?"

"I'm.... in love with you." Sam mumbled, his eyes darting around. Gabriel took a step back, a little taken aback.

"Really? You like me? For what, my personality?" Gabriel asked, a little shocked.

Sam shifted around a little, nodding. "Well, yeah."

"Huh. Well I, I love you too." Gabriel replied, looking up at Sam. Sam's eyes lit up, and a smile spread across his face.

"I love you." Sam whispered, before leaning down to kiss Gabriel. When their lips met, it was bliss. The warmth and passion of it all was overwhelming. It may have been just a simple kiss, but it was enough to light both their bodies on fire.

The kiss barely lasted ten seconds, but felt longer. When they parted, there was so much unspoken affection and passion between the two of them. And instead of kissing again, they hugged. And they stayed that way for a while, content to just stay there and not move. And they were both happy, happier than they had been in a long, long time.

And they're in love! Bam! And is Cas falling in love? Oooooooh
Also I'm back in my home state of Florida and I'm happy so yay
~ Liz

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