Chapter 5 ~ Picking a fight with Satan

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Lunch eventually came, and Cas rushed to the cafeteria. He had a lunch packed, like always. The lunch line was always too hectic for him.
He went to sit at his usual table, the one he and his siblings always sat at every year. He saw Gabriel was already sitting down, munching on a chocolate bar.

"Cas!" He spoke, pulling out another chocolate bar from his lunch box. "How's your day been? What kind of classes do you have?"

"So far I've had Sociology, math, gym, creative writing and science." Cas stated, listing his classes off the top of his head.

"I've had science, debate, gym, history and math." Gabriel replied as he devoured his second candy bar. "I have debate with Luci and Balthazar, so I know that's gonna be gold."
Cas just nodded as he saw Balthazar make his way to the table.

"Hello brothers." Balthazar stated as he sat down, a tray of food in his hands. Lucifer followed behind him, sitting down across from Balthazar.

"Hey Michael, over here." Lucifer spoke, getting the attention of his best friend of six years. Michael made his way over and sat next to Lucifer.

"How have your days been?" Balthazar asked.

"Mine's been decent so far, but it's school." Cas answered, and Balthazar just nodded solemnly.

"I just can't wait for the third week so I can finally know what pranks to do." Gabriel stated, pulling out a third candy bar.

"What pranks are you even going to do?" Lucifer questioned.

"I don't know yet. I'm waiting until I memorize my schedule, and get to know a few of the kids in my class." Gabriel replied, a smirk on his face. Cas just rolled his eyes, and Gabriel luckily didn't see him.

"Just don't prank me like last year." Lucifer remarked.

"No promises." Gabriel commented, winking. Cas hoped Gabriel wouldn't go all out like he did last year. Last year, on the last day of school, Gabriel had set up an epic prank just for Lucifer. As Lucifer walked into his first class, a bucket of rainbow glitter fell right onto him, and he was stuck for the rest of the day covered in glitter. Gabriel had then avoided Lucifer for two weeks, and Cas amused himself by watching Lucifer cuss out Gabriel while pacing the house.

"Don't even try to tell him to not prank you, Luci, he'll do it anyway." Balthazar remarked, glancing at Gabriel, who had pulled out a fourth candy bar.

"How many candy bars do you have?" Cas asked.

"Hmm, only ten." Gabriel answered, munching on the fourth candy bar.

"I saw a new kid in my English class." Michael added, taking out his lunch. "I assume he's new, at least, as I've never seen him before."

"A new kid? What'd he look like?" Gabriel questioned.

"Uh, tall, light hair, light eyes, is all I remember." Michael acknowledged. "I think his eyes were green though. I know he sat next to Charlie."

"Charlie? Isn't she the girl that was outed last year?" Cas asked.

"Yep. Cruel thing to do to a person, but she doesn't seem to care. And I think it was that Azazel jerk who outed her." Balthazar responded. "Well, either him or that Abaddon girl."

"Who cares which of them it was, they're both assholes." Gabriel commented, pulling out a fifth candy bar. The other four all nodded in agreement.

"I ran into Meg in my science class." Balthazar mentioned, looking at Cas. "Wasn't she the girl who asked you out for a dare?"

Cas nodded. "Yes, back in my sophomore year."

"Awful thing to do, go out with someone just because of a dare. And only for a week." Michael commented.

"It's fine, she's not that horrible of a person." Cas stated, shrugging. Meg had been rather nice to him, and she still talked to him occasionally. Suddenly, without a word, Gabriel took out another candy bar and chucked it into Lucifer's face. He burst into laughter along with Balthazar, and even Michael laughed a little as Lucifer shot a glare at Gabriel.

In retaliation, Lucifer grabbed the candy bar and threw it in a nearby trash can. Gabriel paused, on his face a look of absolute horror. Balthazar burst into laughter, as did Lucifer and Michael and Cas. Gabriel started to fake cry as they continued to laugh, not caring how loud their laughter was. Gabriel continued to fake cry for the rest of the lunch period as the others just laughed continuously.


"Gaaaaaabe! Where's Gabe?" Lucifer shouted, looking frantically around for his brother.

"I think he's just getting his stuff slowly on purpose." Samandriel stated, glancing towards the school. Cas, Lucifer, Balthazar and Samandriel were all waiting for Gabriel, who sure enough, was purposely walking as slowly as he could. When he finally ambled out of the school towards them, Lucifer grabbed the pencil pouch Samandriel was carrying and chucked it right at Gabriel's head.

"Ow!" Gabriel cried as the pouch made contact with his face. "You could've thrown it lighter!"

"Where's the fun in that?" Lucifer shouted back, an evil grin on his face. Gabriel shot a death glare at him before his face split into a grin.

Gabriel suddenly bent down, grabbing the pencil pouch off the ground. "HEADS UP!" He bellowed, chucking it with all his might at Lucifer. Lucifer barely had time to move when the pouch collided with his face, and Gabriel took off sprinting in the direction of home.

"GABRIEL!" Lucifer shrieked, glaring at his brother, who was currently sonic-ing down the street. "Get in the car, we're chasing him down." Lucifer growled, as Cas, Balthazar and Samandriel all watched, trying to hold back laughter. They all climbed into Lucifer's van, and Lucifer took off after Gabriel, who had disappeared into a convenience store.

Eventually, after driving around the area for ten minutes, Lucifer took his siblings home.
When they returned home, Lucifer opened the front door only for a bucket of water to fall onto his head. Gabriel's laughter could be heard as he ran upstairs, Lucifer charging after him. Chuck was sitting at the dinner table, drinking a cup of tea, watching the scene with an incredibly calm attitude.

"Make sure to tell those two I'll get them pizza if they don't murder each other." Chuck droned, standing up as he walked to his room. Cas nodded, and Chuck disappeared into his room.

"Does anyone else want to watch a bad movie?" Balthazar asked.

"Why would we watch a bad movie?" Samandriel questioned.

"So we can scream at it and laugh at how horrible it is." Balthazar answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"We can do that, and watch Luci and Gabe rip each other apart." Cas suggested, and both Balthazar and Samandriel nodded.

Here's chapter 5! Huge thanks to the first person who finally freaking voted on this story! I saw it fitting I upload this on the same day the newest episode comes out
Also, my mom has never watched Supernatural and thinks it's a funny show, and she just agreed to watch the pilot episode with me once she gets home
Boy is she in for a surprise  >:)
Anyways, until next time!

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