Chapter 15 ~ Novak House Chaos

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When Gabriel woke up on Saturday, he woke up to screams and chaos. Then again, that was the usual within his house.

"What happened?" Gabriel yawned as he walked out of his room.

"Balthazar caught Lucifer making out with Michael a little while ago. He got a picture of it, and he won't stop teasing Lucifer about it. Lucifer, of course, is screaming for him to delete it." Cas explained as Gabriel ambled his way into the hall. Sure enough, Lucifer was sprinting after Balthazar, screaming at him while Michael shook his head in exasperation.

"Is Lucifer okay?" Gabriel questioned, walking up to Michael.

"With that picture on Balthazar's phone, no. He won't stop 'till he's pummeled Balthazar to death. You'd think Balthazar was older with how much he likes to tease Lucifer."

"Well, Balthazar loves to tease people." Cas remarked as he walked up to Gabriel and Michael, his phone in hand.

"So..." Gabriel began, staring at Michael. Michael rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Yes. I am dating Lucifer. Happy?"

"Why did you guys never tell us?" Cas questioned.

"I honestly don't know. I guess we wanted to keep it secret, and not have to constantly talk about it to you guys." Michael said, shrugging. "I guess we knew you guys knew, but we still didn't want to say anything."

Lucifer could still be heard screaming at Balthazar, even though he had chased him outside.

"He's not gonna stop screaming anytime soon, so I suggest we go somewhere to get away from the noise." Michael suggested. "And we could drop you off for your date today."

"You have another date?" Cas asked, tilting his head and squinting his eyes in confusion.

"Yep. With the wonderful Sam Winchester, of course." Gabriel replied with a wink.

"You keep going on about him, Gabe." Cas remarked with a smile. "Is he really all that great?"

"He is." Gabriel spoke with a smile on his face. "I just hope he likes one of the movies I picked out to go see."

"Which movies did you pick?" Michael asked.

"I chose The Purge: Election Year and that movie Pete's Dragon, but I also have Suicide Squad as an option in case he prefers DC." Gabriel stated.

"Alright, well, let's get you ready for your date then." Michael spoke as he made his way for the stairs, Cas and Gabriel following him.


When Gabriel finally arrived at the movies, he saw Sam sitting at a bench, waiting.

"I hope I'm not late." Gabriel remarked.

"You're not, I'm just early." Sam spoke. "My brother demanded to drop me off early. He and our friend set up a movie marathon for noon, so he had to drop me off at 11:30."

"Oh, okay. Oh, I have three movie choices picked out, and I'll let you pick. The Purge: Election Year, Pete's Dragon or Suicide Squad."

"Mm, Suicide Squad I guess. I'm just starting to get into Marvel and DC, so I wanna try and watch as many movies as I can." Sam stated, brushing his hair back with his hand.

"Alright. You want popcorn, or candy and soda?" Gabriel asked as he walked to the line for tickets.

"I'll go with popcorn."

"You are so cliche. I'm getting candy and soda." Gabriel said with a smirk. Sam rolled his eyes as Gabriel purchased two tickets for Suicide Squad.

He and Gabriel walked into a theater a few minutes later, and got seats in the back row, per Sam's request. Gabriel, however, had wanted to sit in the front row, and made Sam promise to get seats in the front row the next time they went to the movies.

By the time the movie started, only a dozen other people were in the theater. Halfway through the movie, Gabriel suddenly put a hand on Sam's cheek and smiled. Sam blinked a few times, and when Gabriel leaned his head in, Sam didn't pull away.

When their lips met, both their eyes were closed. Gabriel had one hand on Sam's cheek, and Sam had a hand on Gabriel's arm. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it seemed to last way longer. They broke apart briefly before Gabriel leaned in again, pulling Sam in as he did. A solid minute passed before they finally completely pulled apart, smiles on both their faces.

"You are a much better kisser than what I'm used to." Gabriel remarked, grinning.

"Really? Am I that good?" Sam whispered.
Gabriel nodded, and smiled before leaning in again.


Once the movie had ended, Sam and Gabriel left the movie laughing. They weren't exactly laughing at the movie, but more at the jokes they had told each other as they walked out of the theater. As they walked out, Sam suddenly recognized the faces of two girls walking out of one theater.

"Charlie?" Sam asked, glancing at the redhead, who was walking hand in hand with Jo.

"Oh Sam! Hey!" Charlie cried. "And Gabriel, hello."

"Hey! You're Charlie Bradbury, right?" Gabriel questioned, and Charlie nodded.

"It's so nice to meet you officially, Gabriel." Charlie stated, a smile on her face. "And how could I have forgotten you and Sam would've been here the same time as Jo and I?"

"I guess we were both too focused on getting ready to realize." Sam joked, and Charlie nodded.

"Anyways, Jo and I will see you later today, Sam." Charlie spoke before walking away, Jo at her side.

"You know Charlie?" Gabriel questioned as soon as Charlie was gone.

"She's in my art class, and my brother's first period, and my brother and I sit at her lunch table." Sam explained.

"Ah. Well, this date isn't over just yet, I have something else planned." Gabriel said with a wink, and Sam laughed as Gabriel tugged him along.

The only reason I had Suicide Squad as the movie Sam and Gabriel picked is because it's the movie that got me into DC/Marvel in the first place so don't complain or say anything bad about it please and thank you. Also, next week is my last week of ninth grade, so I'll have summer break after that and will be free to write. Just know however that I will be at Vidcon in June so I might not update much around that time, so please keep that in mind. Anyways, enjoy this chapter, and the next one will be out on Thursday.
~ Liz

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