Chapter 39 ~ First day back

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"SAM!" Dean yelled, banging his fists on Sam's bedroom door. "It's the first day back to school, get your ass up and ready! We can't be late!"

"Can you fuck off for a minute?" Sam yelled tiredly, rubbing his eyes. Dean huffed and walked off to get dressed, and Sam sat up in his bed and yawned. It was indeed the first day back to school since Christmas break. Sam's Christmas break had been a mix of dates with Gabriel and skating lessons.

Dean's Christmas break had been a mix of having Cas over to watch movies and skating lessons. He and Cas had yet to go on any official date, however. They still hadn't even told anyone.

Sam grabbed a plaid shirt and pulled it on, then put on a jacket and jeans. He ran a hand through his hair, then quickly checked his appearance in the mirror sitting in the corner of his room before he walked out to the kitchen. Dean was still getting dressed by the time Sam walked into the kitchen.

When Dean walked into the kitchen, Sam was fully dressed and sitting at the table. "You got ready quickly." Dean remarked as he walked over to the cabinets.

Dean poured a glass of water for Sam, and then poured a glass for himself. They didn't have any breakfast food, so they both would have to wait for lunchtime to eat. During Christmas break, they had been eating every day with either Gabriel or Castiel, so this was the first day in two weeks that they were back to their usual diet.

As soon as they both finished their water, Dean handed Sam his backpack before Dean grabbed his own, and they both went outside to Dean's car. Dean drove the both of them to school, and they soon parted ways to go to their classes.
Neither Sam nor Dean had any class changes, so they both had the exact same schedule as they had had for the first semester.

Dean walked down a crowded hallway, grumbling to himself about how slow people walked. He walked up a flight of stairs to the second floor, and then headed for his English class.

Dean walked into English only to see Charlie waving eagerly at him, a smile on her face.

"Hey Dean!" She cried as soon as he sat down. "How'd your break go?"

Dean heaved his stuff down onto his desk before answering. "It was fine. I spent most of it either binge-watching movies or having Cas teach me how to skate." Dean sighed and laid his head on his desk, already exhausted. "How'd yours go?"

"It was good. My mom took me to Florida to visit some family she has there. I got to go to an amusement park, I think it was called Universal. I wanted to go simply because they have a Harry Potter section." Charlie explained rather energetically. Dean couldn't understand how she was so energetic this early in the morning. "And- oh! That reminds me," Charlie spoke, pulling out her phone, "I got a text from Gabriel this morning, asking me to invite you to sit with him at his table. He invited me and Sam too."

"He wants me to sit at his table? Why?" Dean questioned.

"I mean, he is dating your brother. I guess he didn't want to invite just Sam and leave you to sit at some other table, glaring at him." Charlie said with a shrug. "I mean if he hadn't invited you you might've forced your way over anyways, right?"

Dean was still for a moment before shrugging in agreement. Charlie nodded with a knowing smile on her face before she turned her attention to the English teacher, who had just stood up and was preparing to speak.


When 2nd period ended and 3rd period began, Dean made his way to his art class. He was the last to arrive to his table, as Sam and Charlie had both already made their way to the class.
"What took ya so long?" Charlie teased, one of her eyebrows raised.

It must be fate (Destiel/Sabriel Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now