Chapter 14 ~ John's home

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The week seemed to pass rather quickly, and Friday arrived sooner than anyone expected. When school ended on Friday, Sam and Dean went home to see their father was home, surprisingly.

"Dad, you're home." Dean stated when he walked into the house.

"Yeah. They let me off early. I've been home for six hours, and I was sleeping until you guys got home." John explained with a yawn.

"Oh, did we wake you?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, but I don't mind. I'll probably fall asleep again."

"Oh. Well, we're having some friends over, do you mind?" Dean questioned.

"As long as they don't keep me up tonight or tomorrow. I have the weekend off."

"Oh well, I won't be here tomorrow anyways, so at least you won't have to worry about me." Sam explained, setting his bag down.

"Where will you be?" John asked with a confused expression.

"Sammy's got a date." Dean teased, tugging at Sam's shirt sleeve.

"A date?" John inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"This guy named Gabriel asked him out a second time, so they're going to a movie together this weekend." Dean stated, peering at his brother, who was covering his face in embarrassment.

"A guy?" John said with surprise. "Is he at least good looking?" Sam nodded slightly, and John raised both eyebrows. "Just be careful. Don't let him pressure you into anything you don't want to do."

"I won't." Sam stated, shaking his head.

"Alright well, our friends will be here at 5." Dean added, putting his bag down on the floor.

"What are their names?"

"There's Charlie, Meg, Kevin, Benny, and also Jo and Bobby, our childhood friends." Dean explained.

"Bobby? He lives in this town?" John asked, his interest peaked.

"Yeah. He's changed a lot, Dad. He's even starting to grow a beard." Dean explained, walking over to the fridge. He grabbed out a small snack and handed it to Sam before walking over to his room.

"How's school been, Sam?" John questioned, looking over at Sam, who began munching on the snack Dean had handed him.

"It's good. I like this school." Sam replied, a smile on his face. "There's some nice people there."

"Any mean kids?"

"I've heard of this girl named Abaddon, who's apparently a jerk. I haven't personally met her, though." Sam explained, shrugging.

"Hey Sam! Charlie's coming over at 4 instead of 5. She says her mom is going to be gone at 5, so she has to come over now." Dean called as he walked into the room. Sam nodded in understanding, and Dean walked in with a small case in his hands. "Hey, I managed to fish out the first Jurassic Park movie from my room. Maybe we can put it on later when everyone's here."

"Yeah, let's do that." Sam said with a smile.


Charlie arrived at the Winchester house about fifteen minutes later. She happily introduced herself to John, who seemed to somewhat like her. Of course, it was hard to not like her; Charlie just had one of those personalities that helped her get along with everyone.

She had brought with her the entire Jurassic Park series, per Dean's request. When she arrived, she was wearing a Harry Potter shirt and jacket, along with some jeans, and had her hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Hey Dean! Sam! I brought the entire Jurassic Park series like you wanted me to." Charlie cried as she walked into the house. "When are we gonna watch them?"

"When everyone's here." Dean explained as he took one of the movies from Charlie's hands.

"Oh, alright. Hey, I brought some money along to order pizza." Charlie spoke.

"Oh, no you don't have t-"

"I want to. Besides, my mom gives me plenty of money for food. I rarely use it, at least on myself." Charlie interrupted. "Please, let me. This isn't anything but me wanting to get food for my friends."

"Okay. Sorry, it's just-"

"Presumed I was doing it out of pity or something? Hey, it's fine. It always seems that way doesn't it? I once was on your end of it all, so trust me when I say I never do anything out of pity, but more out of compassion. Now, tell me you have popcorn."

Dean grinned as Charlie said it. "Of course we do, what monster doesn't have popcorn?" He said with a laugh, and Charlie laughed right back as Dean made his way to the pantry.

First time we get to see John in the story! He's not going to be in the story much at all but when he is he's going to be a pretty decent guy. I will already say there will be a few occasional homophobic comments throughout the story from background characters, but not a lot (I'm modeling Sam and Dean's school after mine)
~ Liz

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