Chapter 26 ~ 7 weeks gone

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"Alright class! Hand in your vocab tests." Mr. Lester cried, the timer on his desk beeping. Dean finished the question he was on and handed his test to Charlie, who collected all the tests in that row before handing them to the teacher. "Now, as you all know, next week is the second to last week before the end of the semester. It's hard to believe we're already almost a quarter of the way through this school year, isn't it? Anyways, your projects that I handed out this Monday are due next Friday, so I expect you and your partner to have them completed by then. We will be presenting on the Monday and Tuesday of the final week. Class dismissed."

The bell rang just seconds later, and Dean and Charlie gathered their belongings before walking out of the room.

"Seven weeks done and gone, can you believe it?" Charlie exclaimed, holding her hands in the air.

"No I can't. What's even more surprising is my dad hasn't even mentioned moving yet. Usually Sam and I never stay at a school more than two semesters." Dean remarked, thinking.

"Well maybe you'll finish out this year then! It is your junior year, so you're almost an adult." Charlie commented, looking somewhat deep in thought. "Anyways, I have to go to science, I'll see ya in art!" Charlie waved and ran off to her science class, and Dean just walked off to his math class. When Dean arrived, he saw Cas's seat was empty. It was odd, considering Cas was almost always there before Dean. Dean texted Cas before he sat down.

Suddenly, Dean's phone buzzed, and he looked at the screen.

'Sorry Dean, my little sister got sick and my dad forced me and one of my brothers to stay home and watch after her. I'll be in on Monday.'

Dean parted his lips a little, then stuffed his phone away with a huff. He then focused his attention on the board, trying his hardest to comprehend what the teacher had started writing.

After math class ended, Dean went to art class and sat at his usual table with Sam and Charlie, who were chatting away about Gabriel. (Or really, Charlie was pestering Sam and Sam was answering reluctantly)

"Dean! Hey! There you are!" Charlie cried excitedly, waving her hand eagerly as Dean sat down.

"Hey Charlie." Dean spoke, putting his bag down on the floor. "Do you know what we're doing today?"

"I assume we're just continuing with the project." Charlie shrugged. Sure enough, when the teacher came into the room, she announced they were continuing with their project. Sam, Dean and Charlie all worked diligently on their group project until the bell rang, and they all made their way to their next class.

Sam had History with Gabriel next, and people in their class were starting to take notice that Gabriel, who appeared to be close to Sam, hadn't yet pranked him. Gabriel usually pranked everyone, so people were starting to wonder just who Sam was to him.

"Alright everyone, grab a worksheet before you sit down. We're watching a video and taking notes today." The history teacher announced as the class started. Gabriel ran up and grabbed a paper for both him and Sam, and Sam thanked him when he sat back down. The video was so long that it took up more than one class period, so they would have to finish it on Monday.

"Bye Sam!" Gabriel cried before he walked off to his next class, and Sam, smiling, waved back. Sam could've denied it a month ago, but now he had no other choice than to admit, he was completely in love with Gabriel. It was strange considering how they had met just barely over a month prior, but Sam had to admit he was in love already. He knew it was kinda odd to be confessing a month after you start dating someone, but he had yet to confess, and he wanted to.

He and Gabriel had already planned another date for tomorrow, and Sam was thinking of maybe trying to confess then. He hadn't told anybody, cuz he knew no matter who he told, Charlie would somehow find out and tease him endlessly.

Lunch period soon came, and Sam and Dean sat at their usual table with Charlie and the others. Charlie was texting rapidly on her phone with someone, who, Sam and Dean didn't know.

"Hey Charlie, who ya texting?" Dean asked as he sat down.

"Oh, I-"

"She's texting her girlfriend." Kevin teased, glancing over at Charlie.

'You're just jealous I have one." Charlie shot back, sticking her tongue out. Kevin folded his arms and glared at Charlie, who stared triumphantly at him.

"Isn't Jo in class right now?" Sam questioned, tilting his head.

"She isn't doing anything in her class right now, so she's texting me." Charlie explained, shrugging. She proceeded to grab a snack from her lunch box and bit into it, still shrugging.

"How has Jo been? I haven't had the chance to talk to her much lately." Dean remarked.

Charlie finished the snack she was eating, and wiped her mouth with a napkin before responding. "Oh Jo? She's been doing fine. She's overwhelmed with schoolwork, as always, but she's fine otherwise. Her mom has been giving her a lot of crap lately though, mainly over her grades. I guess her mom just expects the best from her."

Charlie handed a snack to both Dean and Sam, and the friends all ate and talked and ate and talked for the rest of lunch period.

When Sam and Dean got home that night, their father was passed out asleep on the couch, a single half empty beer bottle on the kitchen drawer. Their father wasn't really an alcoholic, but he would usually drink a bottle or two of alcohol once every two weeks and pass out on the couch. Their father was really easily angered when drunk, so they usually stayed out of the house when their father drank. He never did anything that bad, but Sam and Dean were just wary.

Sam and Dean both packed a small bag, then headed over to Charlie's after getting permission from her mom. When they arrived, Charlie opened the door.

"Hey bitches." She cried, standing aside to let the two brothers inside. "My room's far down the hall, to the left. It's not that big of a room, but I'm sure you two won't mind."

"Does your mom let you have guys in your room?" Sam questioned as he walked down the hall.

"My mom knows I'm only into girls, so yeah. She even lets me have girls in my room, but I have to have the door open. She trusts me, mostly." Charlie replied with a shrug.

"Anyways, I'll get some blankets and comforters for you two to use. I'll also grab some pillows as well. And we can watch some movie before bed, or, I can beat your asses in Super Smash Bros."

"You're on." Dean answered, and Sam rolled his eyes.

"I have plans tomorrow, so I'm just gonna head to bed earlier than you guys." Sam explained as he set his bag down.

"You have a date tomorrow, you mean." Charlie pointed out. Sam sighed and nodded, and Charlie clicked her tongue. "I knew it. You really aren't good at hiding your dates, Sam."

"What are you even going to do with Gabriel tomorrow?" Dean questioned. Dean was slowly coming more to terms with the fact that his little brother had a boyfriend and that his little brother's boyfriend wasn't that horrible of a guy.

"We're gonna go to this theme park nearby. He insisted. He wanted to go for his birthday, but he couldn't. He's paying for everything, though. He already said." Sam explained.

"Huh. Well, make sure he treats you well. I can't have my little brother get his heart broken." Dean replied, and Sam smiled. Knowing that Dean was accepting his boyfriend made him really happy, even if it in itself was a small thing.

Hey guys! I'm uploading this a bit later than usual but I'm on California time now and not Florida time. Anyways, I'll finish the next chapter by Tuesday. Bye!
~ Liz

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