Chapter 29 ~ No School

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It was now Monday. Sam had been woken up by Charlie, who was way too eager and hyper in the morning.

"Get up get up get up!" She screamed, pulling the blanket off of him.

"What the hell Charlie? I'm trying to sleep." Sam groaned. "Why are you so excited?"

"They cancelled school today! It's raining too hard and there's a tornado warning." Charlie spoke excitedly. "How cool is that?!?"

"No school?" Sam cried, sitting up in his bed.

"Yep! No school! It's raining too hard to really go anywhere but-"

Suddenly, a loud, defeaning knock came at the front door. Charlie ran to open it, as both Sam and Dean followed her. They opened the door to see Cas and Gabriel standing there, alongside Kevin, Bobby and Jo.

"I ran here as soon as I heard school was cancelled." Gabriel panted, walking into the house dripping wet.

"Same here." The others chorused, stepping inside.

"Did you not care to ask whether you could come over?" Dean asked incredulously.

"You bitches would let us in no matter whether we asked or not." Jo spoke smugly, and Dean lowered his head in reluctant agreement.

"I mainly came here because my brother Lucifer was being way too lovey dovey with his boyfriend and I wanted to get away from them." Cas explained, shedding his drenched clothes. "Do you have any extra dry clothes?"

"Uh yeah, follow me." Dean offered, taking Cas to his room to fetch some clothes.

"I need some too. You have any extra clothes that are in my size? I'm a medium." Gabriel spoke.

"I don't, but my half brother might have some. I'll go ask him."

Sam went to his half brother's room and returned a few minutes later with a plaid shirt and jeans.

"Here, it's my brother's from like a year ago." Sam spoke, handing Gabriel the shirt and jeans. He then turned to Kevin and Bobby. "I'll get you two some clothes, give me a minute."

Charlie, who had disappeared, suddenly returned with a shirt, pants and bra. She handed it to Jo. "Take my clothes. We're practically the same size anyways."

Jo thanked her and took off to change in the bathroom. After she changed, Bobby and Kevin followed. Gabriel had changed in the middle of the room, not caring who was watching, while Sam covered his eyes in embarrassment.

Cas and Dean both returned minutes later, Cas dressed in one of Dean's usual outfits.

"What do you guys want to do?" Jo questioned.

"Duh. Movie marathon. Perfect rainy day activity." Charlie answered, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Alright. Movie marathon it is." Dean responded, grabbing a movie from the collection. The others all sat down, as Charlie put in Jurassic Park. As the movie started, everyone found seats.

There were two couches that fit three people each, so Kevin and Bobby opted for the floor, letting the others sit on the couches. Dean sat on the ground in front of one of the couches, letting Jo and Charlie sit next to each other. Cas was sitting next to Charlie, and Sam and Gabriel were on the other couch.

Two movies in, the rain slowed, but was still going. The tornado warning was gone but the streets were nearly flooded, so barely anyone was outside. However, halfway through the third movie, Charlie got hungry.

There was no snacks, so, determined to get food, Charlie ran through the rain in a raincoat. Half an hour later and she returned, drenched from head to toe, with $50 worth of snacks, drinks and candy from the local convenience store, where everything was no more than $3. Charlie took a hot shower to warm herself after running through the cold rain. The movie was not paused during Charlie's escapades, as she had already seen the movie multiple times and didn't care if she missed part of it.

Gabriel had surprisingly fallen asleep, due to an apparent lack of sleep the previous night. His head was resting on Sam's lap, and Sam refused to disturb him even though his legs were now numb from Gabriel laying on them.

When Charlie came out of the shower and saw Gabriel asleep on Sam's lap, she took a picture, despite still being in a bath towel. She had already practically made Sam and Dean's house her own, and would walk around at odd hours of the night while dancing to music, or would walk around in nothing but a bathrobe for hours on end.

Dean and Adam had both made peace with it, while Sam would sometimes ask her to change, which would result in Charlie flipping him off and staying in the bathrobe for the rest of the day.

After Jurassic World was done, the rain had slowed even more and was now just slightly more than a drizzle, so everyone decided to hop in the car and go to the local pool to swim in the rain. When they saw it was closed, Gabriel offered they head to his house to swim in the pool at his house, so they all went there instead.

"Hello Castiel, hello disappointment." Chuck sighed as Cas and Gabriel walked into the house.

"Fuck off dad." Gabriel hissed.

"As you wish. I was going to give you cake but since you have a stick up your ass I'm not gonna give you any." Chuck spoke before walking off, Gabriel frantically running after him, begging for cake.

"Yo Cas, who'd you bring to our house?" Lucifer shouted from the second floor.

"Some friends." Cas shouted back.

"Wow Cas, I didn't know you had friends." Lucifer teased, resulting in a pillow being thrown upstairs at Lucifer's head.

Michael emerged from Lucifer's room, pushing him back into the room before slinking downstairs.

"Hello Cas. Who are your friends?" Michael questioned.

"This is Gabriel's boyfriend Sam, his brother Dean, then there's Charlie, Charlie's girlfriend Jo and also Kevin and Bobby."

"Well, hello to all of you." Michael spoke, nodding. "Ignore Lucifer, he's had a stick up his ass all day."

Michael soon returned upstairs, as he had really only gone downstairs for a glass of water.
All eight of them soon hopped in the Novak's pool, which was a rather large pool with a small hot tub on the pool deck.

Of course, the hot tub wasn't really that hot, but rather just ten degrees warmer than the pool water, but they didn't mind. They all swam for about half an hour until Chuck demanded they all come inside so they wouldn't freeze from the cold.

Everyone took a hot shower to warm themselves up after the pool. Chuck offered to have Sam, Dean, Charlie, Jo, Bobby and Kevin stay the night, to which they all agreed.

They ate fast food that night, watched reruns of old cartoons and made fun of the Titanic movie before they all ultimately crashed at close to 1 am, all of them laying in either Gabriel's room, Cas's room or the guest room.

Here's chapter 29! I only finished this chapter yesterday ^^;
~ Liz

It must be fate (Destiel/Sabriel Highschool AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin