Chapter 30 ~ Lucifer's an overachiever

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When Cas woke up and looked at the calendar, he immediately sighed. It was Friday, and not just any Friday, but the Friday before Halloween. Which, as the Novaks knew, meant Lucifer would be hosting a Halloween party.

Sure enough, when Cas went downstairs after getting dressed and showering, there were littered decorations around the house.

Lucifer was insisting on staying home to decorate the house, as his Halloween party was always the most epic of the three parties he threw each school year. Becky argued with Lucifer for a solid ten minutes before she gave up, letting him stay home. Lucifer took off minutes before Cas and his other brothers went to school in his van, running up to Party City.

Becky drove Cas, Balthazar, Gabriel and Samandriel to school that morning, dropping them off in the school parking lot.

When Cas got to lunch, Michael joined the Novaks at their table.

"Where's Lucifer?" Michael questioned.

"At home, preparing for the party." Gabriel replied as he stuffed a candy bar in his mouth.

"Missing your boyfriend?" A girl teased. When Michael turned his head, he saw it was none other than Lilith, Lucifer's ex-girlfriend. He had dated her for two months back in seventh grade, simply because she found him cool and begged him to date her. After they broke up, Lilith became terrified yet still infatuated with Lucifer. When she saw how close Lucifer became with Michael, she began to hate Michael's guts, but never said anything to him unless Lucifer wasn't there.

"Pretty bold of you to say that Lilith, seeing as you nearly shit your pants just making eye contact with Lucifer. Is it just because he's not here that you're getting so brave?" Michael shot back, a devilish glint in his eyes. Lilith pursed her lips.

"Oh please, I'm not the least bit scared of my ex-boyfriend." She lied, her face so calm and collected that her lie was almost believable.
"But I see you've been taking comeback lessons from Lucifer. I mean, a year ago you could barely defend yourself without your guard dog."

"And I see you've been taking comeback lessons from, hmm, Metatron? C'mon, your comebacks are absolutely pathetically lazy." Michael barked, scoffing. "And if Lucifer was here, you wouldn't even be talking to me. No matter what you say, you're scared shitless of Lucifer."

Lilith scoffed, but the glint of fright in her eyes was clear as day. "And why isn't he here, hmm? I'm surprised, I never see you without Lucifer by your side."

"Ah well, he might not be here physically but I am on the phone with him, and he can hear every word you're saying." Michael divulged, holding up his phone. Lilith ran off, terrified, and Michael howled with laughter.

Cas, Gabriel and Balthazar looked questioningly at Michael, until Michael held up his phone to show he wasn't on the phone with anyone. Cas, Gabriel and Balthazar soon joined Michael in howling with laughter.


Later that day, the Cas, Gabriel, Balthazar, Samandriel and Michael all returned to the Novak house to find an incredible sight. Lucifer had really gone all out, buying over $800 worth of halloween decorations. Then again, Lucifer always bought a ton of halloween decorations, meaning their house was the most visited house in the neighborhood on halloween night. But this year, Lucifer had really and truly gone all out.

On the second and third floor front walls, posters of skeletons hung, and from a balcony dangled two skeletons. Two giant inflatable spiders laid on the roof hip of the second floor of the outside of the house, while even more inflatable spiders laid on the lawn. The lawn was covered in multiple decorations: tombstones and skulls and pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns and robotic grim reapers and coffins and pumpkin-headed scarecrows and and ghosts and even fake webs with toy spiders in them. The windows were covered in fake webs with toy spiders and insects tangled in them, while a dirty, blood-stained raggedy cloth hung from one window.

On one side of the house, a giant skull and hands seemed to come right through the wall. There were also boards over some of the windows and even more fake webs strewn in between windows with a skeleton dressed in raggedy clothing hung from below a window.

On the other side of the wall, there were multiple skeletons positioned as though they were climbing up the wall. Wreaths made of chains, dead leaves and skulls were strung between the skeletons, while even more web was strung from the windows to the ground, forcing people to walk under the webs. There was even a carriage in front of the house, featuring a headless horseman riding a skeleton horse.

The outside of the house was a marvel, and the inside of the house was almost evenly matched. Inside, the stairs had "caution" and "warning" tape preventing people from climbing up (only one staircase) while multiple toy spiders and rats laid on the steps, followed by a raggedy white cloth strung between the stair.

Lights covered all the staircases, and pumpkins were on almost every stair step in the house. A poster of blood was plastered on the ceiling above the bar, which was covered in a blood stained table covering. Fake heads and skulls hung on the walls, while webbing was strung from the ceiling. Ghosts hung from a few room ceilings, while every couch or chair had a skeleton on it. The dance floor had a large blood-stained poster to dance on, while a refreshment table of halloween-themed snacks and drinks sat by a table of pumpkins, skulls and toy spiders.

"Well, what do you think? It only took me seven solid hours to put all this up, breaks not included." Lucifer boasted, staring in amusement at his brothers (and boyfriend's) shocked faces.

"How the hell did you manage this?" Were the first words uttered, from none other than Michael.

"I've been saving up for just this." Lucifer replied, pulling out his party credit card with a smirk on his face. "Also, I set up a killer halloween playlist two nights ago. It features all of the best halloween songs, varying from spooky and creepy songs like 'the ghost' to plain halloween themed songs like 'this is halloween'. It only took three hours to make."

"Holy hell." Gabriel muttered, staring in awe at the decorations. "This is fucking amazing."

"You can applaud me later." Lucifer said smugly, walking off to gather some decorations for the second and third floors and basement.

By now it was 4 pm, and the party started at 10 pm and would last until 3 in the morning. Cas, Gabriel, Balthazar, Samandriel and Michael all decided to sleep until 9 pm, just so they'd be awake enough for the party. Lucifer even took a two hour long nap from 5 to 7 pm, then got up and worked twice as hard to finish preparations for the party.

Finally, at exactly 10 pm, the doors of the Novak house opened, and the party was officially on.

Happy late fourth of July to everyone! I would've said it yesterday on the actual fourth of July but I don't update this story on Wednesdays...
Anyways, another party, another opportunity for someone to fall in love! ;) and ooh boy will someone definitely fall in love
The only question is, who? (Y'all already know)

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