Chapter 34 ~ Thanksgiving

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"Get up!" Gabriel shouted, pulling the blanket off his brother. Cas groaned, grabbing at the sheets.

"Leave me alone." Cas mumbled, too tired to deal with Gabriel's shit.

"It's Thanksgiving bro! That means food and desserts!" Gabriel cried eagerly, a smile on his face.

"It also means an unnecessary amount of talking." Cas replied, groaning. "Especially to family members you never see."

"Yeah, so?" Gabriel questioned, tilting his head. "C'mon, it's worth it for the food."

Cas dug his face into his pillow and stayed motionless, refusing to move. Eventually, Gabriel left his brother alone. Gabriel went downstairs to help with cooking.


At the Winchesters house, Dean was eagerly awaiting food. Thanksgiving was the one day of the year they were guaranteed lots of food. John was always home on Thanksgiving, and he was asleep half of the time, leaving Sam and Dean to cook.

However, this year, Charlie had come over to help make some food. She brought with her her family's recipes, and she happily fixed each one. Sam and Dean helped her, both of them eager to be taught the recipes Charlie had brought.

No one was coming over, as John, Sam, Dean and Adam were the only ones left in their family. Since it was just the four of them, Charlie had invited herself over, and she was going to bring her mom with her. Her mom was bringing any food she had made with her, which made Sam and Dean happy, cuz that meant more food and more leftovers to have for the following week at least.

"Hey bitches." Charlie announced as she stepped into the house. She had a cookbook with her, along with plenty of ingredients. "I brought a cookbook and stuff to make food. Now come on, we don't have all day. Let's get cooking."

Charlie set up all her ingredients in the kitchen, and began helping Sam and Dean fix up all the food. Even Adam eventually joined in, fixing a simple pumpkin pie. At 4 that afternoon, Charlie's adoptive mother came by, and helped make whatever food they had left to make. At 6, they finally all sat down to eat the glorious feast that they had prepared.


Meanwhile, at the Novak's, all the siblings (except Lucifer) were helping to fix the food for Thanksgiving. Michael, as always, was over. He had spent the last Thanksgiving at the Novaks, only because his family ate early in the day while the Novaks ate at 6-7 pm.

Michael arrived at 1 pm, and immediately began helping out with the food preparations. Lucifer was binging some show on Netflix in his room, and Michael eventually dragged him downstairs at 4 pm to help with the food. Any of the siblings who couldn't cook were left to set the table and clean the house. At 5 pm, Amara, Rowena and Crowley arrived, and at 6, the Novaks (And Michael) all sat down to eat.


At 7 that night, Charlie, Sam and Dean went outside, bundled in layers upon layers of clothing.

Dean had a football with him, and they tossed the football around in the backyard. They ran around for a solid hour, not even caring when the temperature dropped and the sky turned dark. Kids ran around in the backyards of neighboring houses, and screams of joy and laughter could be heard as kids played together.

Dean and Charlie eventually started a competitive game of dodgeball, using the football and a softball as a dodgeball. At 9, Dean and Sam actually went with Charlie back to her house and they ended up staying the night.


The Novaks finished their feast at 7 pm, and everyone settled down to watch a movie. Chuck struck up a fire in the fireplace, and everyone roasted some marshmallows as the temperature outside dropped to forty-one.

Lucifer, Michael, Balthazar and Gabriel eventually went up to the third floor living room, where they binged a tv show on the tv. Castiel and Samandriel eventually joined them, and the brothers (And Michael) all sat on the couches and floor, watching the TV.

At midnight, Samandriel had fallen asleep, and so had the rest of the house besides Lucifer, Michael, Balthazar, Gabriel and Castiel. As they watched the tv, Gabriel noticed Cas had a strange expression on his face.

"Yo, Cassie, what's up? You look like you're thinking about something." Gabriel questioned, causing Castiel to come back to reality.

"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing..." Cas mumbled, turning his head to look away.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes. "It's not nothing, I've known you for years Cas. What's up?"

"Would it be crazy if I said I think I may like someone?" Cas asked, scratching the back of his head. A clear, confused expression rested on his face.

"You liking someone? Yeah, that's crazy, but not unrealistic. Why, do you actually like someone?" Gabriel inquired.

"What, ol' Cassie likes someone?" Balthazar interrupted, his head resting momentarily on Gabriel's shoulder. "Who is it? Hm?"

"I don't wanna say." Cas replied, and was met with a groan from both Gabriel and Balthazar. "What, I just don't wanna say who it is!"

The rest of the night, Gabriel and Balthazar pestered Castiel until they all eventually fell asleep at 3 in the morning.

Destiel's coming soon ;)
~ Liz

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