Chapter 46 ~ Taste the rainbow

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Sam woke up on his birthday to an overeager Charlie throwing glitter in his face.

"Happy Birthday bitch!" Charlie screamed, a grin breaking across her face. "Get the fuck out of bed, it's your sixteenth birthday and we gotta celebrate!"

"Charlie, what the hell?" Sam groaned, pulling his sheets off of himself. Dean was standing in his doorway, shrugging.

Charlie was at their house so often now it was as though she was a Winchester herself.

Apparently though, her mom let her go over as long as her grades were good, so it was incentive for Charlie to do well in school. And apparently, that was what she had set her mind to.

"It's your birthday and we are gonna celebrate. Now, get out of bed, I have movie tickets and they're for a movie that starts in exactly 50 minutes!" Charlie cried, standing up. "Now c'mon! Get out of bed and let's go!"

Sam sighed and dragged himself out of bed, and Dean and Charlie left him alone to change. As soon as he changed, however, he got a call from Gabriel.

"Morning, birthday boy!" Gabriel cried as soon as Sam accepted the call. "How are you today?"

"I'm good," Sam began, "and how are you? What are you doing up so early?"

"It's your birthday, I have a reason to get up early today." Gabriel explained. "I'll be at your house after school with presents, so look out for that. I gotta go, though, so you have a good day, babe."

"You too." Sam said with a smile, before Gabriel hung up. Sam put his phone in his pocket and walked out into the living room.

"There you are! C'mon, let's go!" Charlie exclaimed as Sam walked into the living room. Sam sighed and followed Charlie out the door.

Dean followed suit, grabbing his keys and locking the front door before he left. He turned the car on, and drove to the movie theater.

Once there, Charlie nearly bolted out of the car and to the ticket station. She proudly showed her phone to the woman at the ticket station, and the woman scanned the receipt on Charlie's phone. Dean and Sam trailed behind Charlie, and reached the ticket station right as the woman finished the scan.

"Theater 8, to the left." The woman spoke, pointing to the left of the theater. "Enjoy your movie."

Charlie burst through the doors and into the line for refreshments, Dean and Sam still trailing behind her. Only six other people were even walking around the theater, since it was so early in the morning.

Charlie got herself a cherry coke and some skittles. She gently shook the bag in front of Dean's face, whispering "taste the rainbow" before she ran off giggling, Dean yelling after her. Sam ignored the two and got himself a water and some buttered popcorn. Dean ran back in line, got himself a fanta and some m&m's, and Charlie ended up paying for everything. Once everything was paid for, the three friends walked to their theater and found their seats, and sat and waited for the movie to start.


The movie they had seen ended up being rather enjoyable. Dean, Sam and Charlie walked out of the theater talking excitedly about the movie and the best scenes. After the movie was over, they walked to a nearby park. Charlie ran to the swings, swinging on it excitedly. Dean shook his head, sighed, and walked over to one of the swings and began swinging slowly.

Sam just walked around and eventually joined into a basketball game being played by a few middle-schoolers. At 6'2, Sam towered over them, despite only being a few grades ahead of them. He ran around with the kids, and ended up scoring a few baskets. The tallest of the kids playing was 5'8, so Sam had his height as an advantage.

Charlie soon ran over, begging to play. The middle-schoolers, who were all boys, refused to play with a girl. Charlie then dared the boys to a game, she and Sam and Dean against the five boys. The boys accepted, and Charlie smirked, taking the ball.

Charlie ended up being a boss at basketball, scoring the most baskets of all those on the court. Because of her, she, Dean and Sam won and defeated the five boys, who then reluctantly agreed to let Charlie play with them.

Charlie continued shooting hoops for another hour, until she got tired and decided to go get food with Sam and Dean, who had quit playing just minutes after they won against the five boys.

The three of them climbed into the Impala, and Dean drove them to the closest restaurant, which was a Five Guys. There they each got a burger and a soda (except for Sam, who got a water) and sat at a table next to a window.

Charlie babbled on about her math class and how she and Anna had gotten into a silent feud over who could finished their tests the fastest. Dean told them how boring his History class was, while Sam complained about how much Ruby talked to him in Law Studies. She had come up with the absurd plan to become friends with Sam, and thus she would continuously talk to him. Sam, however, didn't like Ruby much and would always end up just mumbling and nodding every few minutes to what Ruby was saying. Jess, thankfully, would often drag Ruby away to help her with something, probably because she knew Ruby was annoying Sam. Sam had even thanked her a few times for it, to which Jess would respond "she used to do it to me, so I know your pain" and would walk off to continue distracting Ruby.


At 4 that afternoon, they all got back to the Winchesters house, where both Cas and Gabriel were waiting, recounting stories to each other. Gabriel ran to Sam as soon as he saw him, jumping into Sam's open arms and planting a kiss onto his cheek.

"Sammich! Finally, you're back! I got presents for ya!" Gabriel cried, holding up a large bag. "C'mon, let's go inside so you can open them."

Everyone walked into the house, and Sam soon began opening the three presents Gabriel had got him. A few of their friends came over, and the night ended with everyone watching a movie and talking excitedly.

Woah, what's that? I actually updated this story?????
Haha yes, I finally have a new chapter. I'm gonna start updating on only Tuesdays, though, so less updates. Sorry for the wait, I've been going through some shit, including a harsh breakup, so forgive me for my lack of concentration. Anyways, enjoy this chapter, and I'll hopefully see you next week with a new chapter!
~ Liz

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