Chapter 41 ~ Dean can't pay attention

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It was the start of the fourth weekend of the third quarter, and Dean was already struggling to keep up with his classes. Sam, as usual, was excelling in all of his classes with apparent ease, having all A's. Cas was struggling slightly, but still had nothing less than a B, and was doing decently well in all of his classes. Gabriel, like Dean, was struggling, so much so that he had to have Michael tutor him whenever Michael was over, which was irritating Lucifer. Gabriel was, with Michael's help, passing, but was still struggling to maintain a C average. Soon, however, even Lucifer had to get tutored by Michael, which made him a bit happier that he was able to spend at least some time with his boyfriend.

On the first Saturday of February, Dean shockingly woke up at 9 am exactly, with no alarms or anything. He sat up and looked around, rubbing his eyes and yawning. His lamp was still on from the prior night, as Dean often neglected to turn his lamp off before going to bed.

Lately, he'd been staying up until two-four in the morning, barely ever able to fall asleep easy anymore. His anxiety levels had been steadily rising, and he kept getting easily upset over small things. He suspected it was because he kept forgetting to take the occasional dose of his antidepressants. He'd take every dose for three days in a row, then miss one dose, and not miss it again for another two to five days. But still, the small missed doses were enough to throw off his balance. Cas had been there to keep Dean happy enough from feeling too depressed, but his mood was slipping the more his grades dropped. So, Cas had decided to tutor Dean, so he could hopefully help get Dean's grades back on track.

"C'mon Dean, you have to pay attention." Cas spoke, tapping his pencil on the table. Dean was once again not paying any attention, instead just staring at Cas's face.

"But how can I when you're so pretty?" Dean mused, tilting his head as he glanced at his boyfriend. Cas rolled his eyes and set his pencil down.

"I came here to tutor you, not watch you watch me." Cas cried in frustration.

"Yeah Dean, listen to your boyfriend." Charlie interrupted, looking over her shoulder at Dean.

Dean sighed, glancing quickly at Charlie, who was sitting on the couch with a smirk on her face. "And why are you here again?"

"Plain and simple: Sam went on a date with Gabriel and asked me to come over and help keep you in line. Sam suspected having just Cas to try and keep you to actually pay attention to your homework wouldn't be enough, so he invited me." Charlie shook her head, her short hair bouncing as she did so. Charlie had, against her mother's wishes, gotten her hair cut right after school started up again. She had been grounded for a week, until her mother got so fed up with her sneaking out that she ungrounded Charlie so Charlie wouldn't feel the need to sneak out. Of course, being ungrounded hadn't even stopped Charlie from sneaking out, though it was a perk.

"Well you're doing a bang-up job." Dean remarked, glancing at Charlie with his eyebrows raised. Charlie, who was texting someone on her phone, glanced over her shoulder to look at Dean.

"Like you can talk, mister-I-can't-pay-attention-for-shit." Charlie shot back, as Cas shuffled the papers of homework he had to go over with Dean.

Just as Dean was about to make a comeback, Cas waved a hand in his face. "Dean, if you don't start paying attention to the things I'm helping you with, I will leave. I did not come over here to let you admire me, I came here to tutor you. If you won't pay attention to my tutoring, I have nothing else to do but leave."

Dean sighed and glanced down at the paper in front of him. "Alright, what were you saying before?"


Gabriel and Sam finished their date rather early, ending it at only 1 pm. They walked back to the Novak house, only to find Michael tutoring Lucifer and, to Gabriel's utter surprise, Crowley.

It must be fate (Destiel/Sabriel Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now