Chapter 23 ~ Ice Cream

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On Thursday morning, Sam woke with nothing left of his cold but a small cough. Dean gave him all of his breakfast, and only went off to school with Sam once he was sure Sam was alright.

When Sam arrived in his first period Law Studies class, he immediately took out all of his binders, then went to the teacher to get his missing assignments. As Sam sat back down with the assignments, the teacher stood up and began to speak.

"Alright class, progress reports come out next Monday, and are due next Wednesday. I'm giving you a project now. The project will be due in two weeks, on September 30th. You can form a group, but it is not required. You can form a group no larger than 3 people. However, you will have to present, so I suggest getting in a group with someone who doesn't mind presenting, if you're too scared to present. If that is the case, your partner can present and you can stay seated in your chair." The teacher explained, writing the instructions on the board. Once he finished writing the instructions on the board in different colored markers, he ordered everyone to begin their projects. Sam was immediately approached by Ruby and Jess.

"Hey Sam, do you mind if the three of us form a group together?" Ruby questioned. "I'm fine with presenting if you don't want to."

"Uh, sure, I guess." Sam said with a shrug. He wasn't the biggest fan of presenting in front of a class anyways. He could do it, he just didn't like to.

"Ok, great! I'll take up the presenting and getting everything ready to present. Jess, you can do the writing, and Sam, you can research." Ruby announced matter-of-factly, the confidence clear in her voice. Jess nodded and Sam did as well, both of them understanding their tasks. The three of them got to work, Sam intently researching all he could on the project.


When Sam walked into his history class, he saw Gabriel waiting eagerly. When Gabriel spotted Sam, his eyes lit up and a smile spread across his face. "Sam!" Gabriel spoke eagerly, immediately perking up. Sam smiled as he saw how happy Gabriel was to see him. Sam sat in his seat, which was sadly still in the front row, away from Gabriel's seat.

Once the bell rang, the history teacher stood up. "Now class, since quite a few of you are being too rowdy in your current seats, I've decided to rearrange a few of you. Everyone, gather your belongings and stand against the wall so I can assign everyone to their seats."

"Yes Ms. Rubin." The class chanted in unison, as everyone gathered their belongings and stood against the wall. Gabriel stood right next to Sam, still smiling.

As the teacher began listing out seats, Sam was given a seat in the second row, a row behind where he had sat last.

"Abaddon, you go to the back row, third from the left. Gabriel, you will go to the third seat in the second row." The teacher called out, and Gabriel walked excitedly to his seat, which was now next to Sam. Soon, everyone was in their correct seats.

"Now that everyone is in their new seats, I'd like you all to get out your books. We will continue from where we left off yesterday." The teacher began, and Sam and Gabriel shared a glance.


Gabriel had made sure to make good on his promise, and told Sam to meet him at a spot outside the school so he could take Sam to go get ice cream at the nearest ice cream parlor. Sam waited for nearly twenty minutes after school ended before Gabriel finally showed up.
"Thank you for waiting for me. I tried to find someone to drive us, but I couldn't find anyone, so it looks like we'll have to walk."

"The ice cream parlor is only a twenty minute's walk away. It shouldn't be that bad." Sam spoke calmly.

"Yeah, but my house is 3 miles away from the ice cream parlor! That's almost an hour's walk away!" Gabriel complained.

"Uh, Gabriel, I live nearly 6 miles away from the school, remember? I have a much farther walk than you do." Sam deadpanned. "If anyone should be complaining, it's me. Now can we just go get ice cream?"

"Yes, yes, of course." Gabriel cried, and he and Sam took off in the direction of the ice cream parlor. Once they arrived, Sam got something simple: chocolate with a few sprinkles on top. Gabriel, however, got butter pecan with chocolate syrup, m&ms, hot fudge and caramel syrup. Gabriel paid for the ice cream, and the two ate outside, talking happily as they ate their ice cream.

Sam actually liked his ice cream, which was surprising considering he rarely ate anything sweet. Then again, Gabriel had been forcing sweets on him since the day they met. As soon as they were done, Sam and Gabriel walked to Gabriel's house, and Dean picked Sam up from there and drove him back home.

Here's Chapter 23! Just know my friend is coming over this Friday and next week is Vidcon so I might be busy for a while, but hopefully that won't interrupt my uploading schedule for this story. Anyways, enjoy the chapter. Also, Gabriel's age has been changed from 17 to 18 for reasons. Also also, let's all take a minute of silence for the two year anniversary of the pulse shooting.
~ Liz

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