Chapter 13 ~ Charlie won't quit easily

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When Monday arrived, Charlie and Jo and Bobby and Kevin and Meg were all still at the Winchesters house. They all got ready together in the morning, and took Dean's car and Bobby's car and went to school.

"Can we hang at your place again next weekend?" Charlie asked, looking up at Dean.


"Hooray! Now, let's go to English. Bye bitches." Charlie called as she grabbed Dean by the wrist and dragged him to their first period.

When they finally arrived at their first period, only a few other people were in the classroom, Anna included. She and Charlie seemed to have started a war between each other, and they both wanted to be better at everything than the other.

Bobby walked into the class a few minutes after Charlie and Dean did, and he sat as his usual desk, which was two rows over from Dean and Charlie. Dean recognized a boy from the party, a tall, dark haired kid who sat down next to Anna in the front row.

Since it was only the second Monday of the school year, the teacher didn't have them do much at all. He simply explained a book they were going to read in two weeks. Charlie and Dean spent most of the period sketching stuff and passing notes, talking about the party and ideas of things to do during the upcoming weekend. As soon as the bell rang, Charlie walked with Dean to his math class, then headed off for her science class.

When Dean got to his math class, he said hello to Castiel, who waved at him.

"Alright class, you'll need to pair up with someone for today. I'm giving you all a worksheet, and you and a partner need to fill it out." The teacher lectured, handing out worksheets to each and every kid. As soon as the teacher sat back down at their desk, Castiel walked over and sat next to Dean.

"Can we be partners?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah. Sure." Dean spoke, nodding.

The two worked on the worksheet the entire class period, while also managing to slip in normal conversation.

As soon as the period was over, Dean bid Cas farewell before heading to art.

He sat once again at his table with Sam and Charlie. The teacher gave them another small assignment: sketch a young woman. Charlie eagerly chatted to both Sam and Dean. She mainly talked to Sam, bugging Sam to tell her about his date with Gabriel. Sam tried telling her as little as possible, as he clearly didn't want to go into detail, but Charlie wasn't one to give up. Dean laughed as Charlie began tugging at Sam's shirt randomly, refusing to stop until he agreed to spill.

Dean watched with amusement as Sam tried his hardest to ignore Charlie, who was now poking Sam in the cheek as well as tugging on his shirt. Even when the period ended, Charlie followed Sam all the way to his next class, tugging at his shirt as Dean laughed.


Sam speed-walked to his history class, Charlie tugging on his shirt the entire time.

"Saaaaaaaaaaaaaam." Charlie begged.

"Charlie stop." Sam said as he finally caught sight of his history class.

"Not gonna stop until you tell me about Sunday." Charlie insisted, finally letting go to let Sam go to his class. "This isn't over." She hissed as she walked away, throwing a glance over her shoulder as she walked away.

Sam walked into his history class, walking over to his desk. He recognized Jo as she walked in and sat at the desk next to his.

"Hey Sam." She spoke as she set her backpack down on the floor. "How you doing?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"Meh. I'd be better if Abaddon wasn't in this class." Jo stated, before tossing a glance over at a girl in the very back row.

"Who's Abaddon?" Sam questioned.

"She's a bitch." Jo whispered. "She and her 'bff' Azazel were the ones who outed Charlie last year. Apparently Abaddon overheard Charlie talk to someone about how she had realized she was gay, and Abaddon proceeded to tell the entire school. It was awful. Word of advice, stay away from Abaddon."

"Note taken." Sam spoke softly.

Jo shot another glance at Sam before opening her notebook. The history teacher walked in, gave them an assignment and sat down at their desk. The assignment given today was a simple worksheet, that Sam finished in fifteen minutes. He spent the rest of class finishing a homework assignment from his Law Studies class, while Jo struggled to finish the worksheet.

The class seemed to drag on for a while, but it eventually ended and Sam walked to his science class after saying goodbye to Jo.
When he arrived to his science class, he saw Ruby sitting in her usual seat. Sam hadn't seen her since the party, not that they talked much. She'd give him an occasional hello here and there, offer to help him if he didn't understand something, etc. She seemed alright, not that Sam particularly wanted to be friends with her.
There was barely anything to do in the class. The teacher made them watch a video on the topic he had assigned for that week. Once the video was over, the teacher let them talk and work on assignments from other classes if they needed to, so Sam got to work on the math homework his teacher had given him. Once the class ended, Sam walked off to lunch.

Lunch was eventful, to say the least. Charlie slapped Dean in the face with her lunch box on accident, and Kevin accidentally spoiled an episode of a show he and Meg had been watching, causing Meg to poke him furiously for the rest of lunch period.

After lunch was spanish, which Sam just so happened to have with Gabriel.

When Sam walked into the class, he saw Gabriel sitting alone in a corner of the room. However, Gabriel seemed to quickly notice Sam, and he immediately perked up when he saw him.

"Hiya Sam!" Gabriel called as Sam sat down.

"Hi Gabriel." Sam replied as he sat down two rows from Gabriel.

"Hey, what type of movies do you like again?" Gabriel whispered.

"Most anything fiction." Sam replied quietly as he grabbed his notebook. Gabriel nodded and thanked him before he too pulled out his own notebook, and the two of them continued to talk for the rest of the period.

Here's chapter 13! Also, I am currently trying to write Destiel into the story, so don't worry. They will start out as friends, and will be in love by November (in the story timeline that is, it's currently late August) just to make it realistic, rather than them both falling in love on sight. Same with Sam and Gabriel, they won't truly fall in love until at least late September in the story timeline. Anyways, I'll update again on Thursday. See you then!
~ Liz

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