Chapter 36 ~ Monopoly

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The final twelve days before school let out for Christmas break seemed to go on and on and on. The monday of the final week before Christmas break, exams began, and middle and high school students all dreaded each exam they had to take.

The schedule had 1st period exams on Monday, 2nd and 3rd Tuesday, 4th and 5th on Wednesday, 7th on Thursday and 6th on Friday. Anyone who had 6th period lunch was allowed to stay home on Friday. The exams were back to back, and as soon they were over, everyone was allowed to leave.

Each teacher had their own little way of dealing with and presenting the exams. Some of the teachers stuck strictly to the rules, forcing the students to do nothing but lay their head down after the exam was over until all exams had been collected. Others let students read books or draw until all the exams were collected, and would put movies on afterwards.

Dean struggled to finish each exam he took, but Sam finished each with ease. Cas also finished each exam with relative ease, and Gabriel struggled with 4 out of 7 of his exams. When the 7th period exam let out on Thursday, Gabriel cried out in relief as he walked out of the school.

"Finally! No school for a few weeks!" Gabriel cried, a grin on his face. Gabriel loved Christmas break, as did most of the Novak children. Snow would fall heavily, and the first snowfall fell on December 20th. When the snow did fall, every student ran out into the snow as soon as school let out.

Monday came and went, as did Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Dean, Cas, Sam, Gabriel, Lucifer, Michael, Charlie and Balthazar all had 6th period lunch, so they all stayed home on Friday. However, by 10 that morning, Cas, Gabriel and Balthazar fled their house as Lucifer began decorating the Novak house for his Christmas party. His Christmas party never had a lot of decorations, but Lucifer in party-preparation mode was terrifying enough to run away from.

Dean was woken at 10 to Cas and Gabriel standing on his doorstep.

"Can we come in?" Cas questioned, looking at Dean with an expression clearly begging 'don't ask'.

Dean moved to let Cas in. "Yeah, sure."

Cas walked in and Gabriel followed, running right to Sam, who was sitting on the couch watching a tv show. Gabriel ran and wrapped both his arms around Sam, scaring Sam, who was so wrapped in his tv show he hadn't even realized Cas and Gabriel had arrived.

"Gabe! Don't scare me like that!" Sam shouted, as Gabe laughed. Dean closed the door once Cas was inside the house and locked the door, then turned around and walked into the kitchen.

"We don't have much to eat right now, I'm just gonna warn you in case you guys get hungry." Dean warned, looking over his shoulder as he searched through the pantry. He grabbed his medication and got a glass of water to down the pills with.

"I can always order UberEats and pay for it." Gabriel said with a shrug, as he managed to throw himself onto the couch Sam was sitting on. "Honestly, we only came here to get away from our brother. Lucifer's hosting a party tonight so he's in party preparation mode and you do not wanna be near Lucifer in party preparation mode."

"Your brother seems to throw a lot of parties." Dean commented right before he downed his pills with water.

"My brother throws a party practically every quarter. Well, one party during the first, second and fourth quarter and one right after the second quarter." Gabriel explained, laying his head in Sam's lap. "And during each one, everyone leaves the house."

"Huh. So your brother prepares every party by himself?" Dean questioned.

"Some he does, and others he has us help him." Cas remarked, as Gabriel started trying to hug Sam.

"Who wants to play a board game or something? We have monopoly here." Dean suggested, looking through a small shelf near the TV.

"I'll play." Cas and Sam both said at once.

"I'll play as well." Gabriel spoke, his arms wrapped around Sam's torso as Sam tried to unlatch Gabriel's arms from his torso. Sam eventually just gave up and let Gabriel hug his torso.

Once the game was pulled out, Gabriel sat on the floor, right by Sam, who was on the couch. He rested his head against one of Sam's legs as the game started. The game started, and soon, Dean and Gabriel had both become competitive. Two hours later, Gabriel was beating Dean when suddenly, Cas turned out victorious, winning the game.

"How the hell did you win?!" Gabriel cried, looking incredulously at Cas. Cas shrugged, not saying anything. Cas really had practiced playing monopoly for a while during the past summer when he was bored, but he didn't want to say that.

By the time the game was finished, at noon, everyone was getting hungry. Gabriel pulled his phone out and opened the UberEats app, ordering food for everyone.

"I'm gonna have to electronically tip the guy." Gabriel remarked as he looked through his pockets. "I left my wallet at home."

"That's fine. Just tip him like, six dollars at least." Dean said with a shrug.

"I was planning to." Gabriel replied without thinking as he looked at his phone screen. Dean just shrugged and walked off to go to the bathroom, and Sam sat back down on the couch. Of course, barely a minute passed before Gabriel had his head in Sam's lap. Sam didn't protest, knowing nothing he said would get Gabriel off of him, and instead let his boyfriend lay there.

"What should we do now? There's seven hours left until the party starts." Cas remarked.
"Doesn't your brother usually have his parties start at past nine?" Sam questioned, looking a bit confused.

"This is his Christmas party, and he always has it start earlier and end earlier than his others because 1, it's Christmas themed, and 2, he tries not to drink his life away on Christmas Eve." Cas explained. "My brother thinks it's better to be hungover on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day. Plus, we always visit my aunt on Christmas Day and she'd probably slap the crap out of him if he came to her house hungover."

"Ah. That's reasonable." Sam replied, and Cas nodded.

"Lucifer knows better than to get drunk on Christmas Eve because he's done it before. He got drunk last Christmas Eve, and when we went to our aunt's house on Christmas Day, she took his car keys and locked him out of her house for a solid hour in the cold." Gabriel recalled with a laugh. "He had layers on, of course, but we all got to sit next to the warm fireplace and poor ol' Luci was outside in the snow. It was hilarious, Balthazar and I kept teasing him for the next week and he hated it. Nearly punched Balth and I both in the face twice."

Dean emerged from the bathroom as Gabriel finished recalling his story, and Dean sat on the couch next to Cas. "Anyone up for a movie or something?" He asked. "We could watch, uh.... How To Train Your Dragon, orrrr, we could binge-watch The Office on Netflix."

"The Office!" Sam and Gabriel cried simultaneously. Cas murmured in agreement, and Dean huffed.

"Alright, The Office marathon it is." Dean spoke before he pulled Netflix up on the TV.

The whole "Why Lucifer's party is happening earlier" scene doesn't make sense but I'm too lazy to rewrite it. Basically, Lucifer has his Christmas party start and end earlier so he can have more time tending yo his hangover so it's completely gone by Christmas Day morning.
Also, I won't be uploading any chapters next week, as I'm taking next week as a break to write extra chapters so I don't end up writing every chapter of this story the day I need to upload it. Anyways, enjoy this chapter. The next chapter will be up on the 7th.
~ Liz

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