Chapter 32 ~ Halloween

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It was finally Halloween. Decorations littered all houses, whether they were minimal or all-out. Little kids ran about excitedly, ecstatic for trick or treating. High schoolers, however, trudged their way to school, just waiting for the school day to be over.

The Novaks arrived at school early that morning. Gabriel was half asleep and was being dragged along by Castiel and Balthazar. Lucifer met up with Michael in the cafeteria, where they talked and talked and talked. Samandriel rushed to his first period, and Raphael did as well, not saying a word to the others. Castiel and Balthazar eventually dragged Gabriel to his first period, dropping him off before they went to their respective first periods. Castiel took off to his sociology class.

The good thing about Halloween, though, was that quite a few classes were doing Halloween-themed activities. In Cas's sociology class, they talked about the social aspect of Halloween. In Balthazar, Gabriel and Lucifer's debate class, they were doing a Halloween themed debate. All drama classes were putting on a Halloween themed play that night at 5. In Dean, Sam and Charlie's art class, they were painting Halloween themed paintings. In English, everyone was reading about the history of Halloween.

Everything today was Halloween themed, and kids of all ages were allowed to wear their costumes to school, as long as there were no headpieces or anything on the head and face. Quite a lot of high schoolers, surprisingly, came in dressed in costume, though many admitted they weren't trick-or-treating. And, since it was spirit week for many schools, many costumed kids had their pictures taken for the yearbook.

"Hey bro!" Gabriel cried as he sat down at his lunch table. He was the last to sit down, as Castiel, Balthazar, Lucifer and Michael were all already there.

"Hello Gabriel." Castiel droned. Castiel hadn't dressed up at all, but Gabriel had come to school in a full-fledged Loki costume, complete with everything but the headpiece.

"C'mon, why don't you sound excited Cassie? It's Halloween! I mean, Halloween is only the best day of the year." Gabriel cried. "You can just dress up and go around getting candy! It's awesome!"

"Gabriel, I'm seventeen. I'm a bit old for trick-or-treating." Castiel responded, sighing. He had stopped trick-or-treating after he turned 15.

"Nonsense! You're never too old for trick-or-treating! Dressing up and getting free candy doesn't have an age limit, Cas." Gabriel chastised.

Gabriel went trick-or-treating every year, and being 18 this year wasn't going to stop him. Gabriel, of course, was going to go with one of his younger siblings, which he did every year. This year, he was dragging Samandriel along with him, and was hoping to get Sam too.

"Whatever you say, Gabriel." Castiel said with a sigh. No matter how much Gabriel fawned over Halloween and trick-or-treating, Castiel had never been as into it as Gabriel was.

Gabriel had packed a few candy bars, and some halloween oreos. As he ate his food eagerly, he kept an eye out to look at all the costumes people were wearing. He, of course, was not the only Loki, but he had to admit, he was probably the best of them. He had put days of effort into his costume, and he wore it proudly.

"There's some college party happening nearby." Lucifer commented, taking a sip of the drink he had packed. "Does anyone wanna check it out?"

"Wouldn't that be illegal?" Cas asked.

"Not if you don't get caught." Lucifer said with a wink. "Plus, I've been mapping the place for weeks. I already have an exit strategy if the police are called."

"Lucifer's dragging me along." Michael said with a sigh. "I'd rather stay home and watch after my pets but Lucifer won't have it. He insists I 'need some fun in my life'."

"What pets do you have again?" Balthazar questioned.

"My sister Naomi has a bunny, and Anna has a cat she named Fireball. It's an orange tabby and he's full of energy. My mom got me a black cat and I named it Efah, which means darkness, gloom and/or despair in Hebrew." Michael answered.

Gabriel nodded. "I remember Efah. She scratched up my face last time I went near her."

"Efah doesn't like most people." Michael explained. "She really only likes me, Anna and Lucifer."

"I would love to get a cat." Cas sighed. "Mom doesn't want one, but Dad does."

"Dad's spent the last three months building up a sufficient argument, remember? He'll convince Mom for sure." Balthazar remarked. "I'd get a dog though. What about you, Luc?"

"Me? I'd get a cat, or a pitbull. Whichever I get though, I wanna name them Bael."

"You wanna name your pet after a king of hell?" Balthazar questioned. "Honestly, that's not surprising."

"What can I say?" Lucifer said, shrugging. "I love anything dark and hellish."

Michael glanced at Lucifer, his face in a 'really, you sure' expression. "Mhm."

"Wait, why a pitbull?" Balthazar questioned.

"Because, they're awesome!" Lucifer cried. "They're big and goofy, and they love to play. Plus, they can look intimidating to some people."
"I guess so." Balthazar shrugged, and Lucifer grinned.


When school finally ended, Gabriel got ready and headed to the Winchester's house with his brother Samandriel at 5 pm. When he knocked on the door, Sam answered.

"Sammich!" Gabriel cried, holding his arms out to hug Sam.

"Gabriel! What-ah- are you doing here?" Sam asked as Gabriel crushed him in a hug.

"I wanted to see you, and ask you a question. Do you still trick-or-treat?"

"Trick-or-treat? Sam?" Dean remarked, looking over Sam's shoulder. Sam hasn't trick-or-treated since he was 8. We've never had enough money to buy or even make a costume."

"Alright, I'm taking you with me then." Gabriel insisted, clutching onto Sam's arm. "My brother's coming with me, though. Mind if we head back to my house? My neighborhood has an epic barrage of houses to trick-or-treat at."

"Uh, well, I'd need a costume." Sam said nervously.

"We can pick you up a costume at a store. It's only 5 pm, no one goes trick-or-treating until 7. C'mon!" Gabriel cried, grabbing Sam. He tugged Sam to Lucifer's car, and Lucifer drove all of them back to the Novak's house, Dean screaming at Gabriel to come back with his brother.

At 7 pm, Sam was dressed as Harry Potter (as that was the only character he could think of). Gabriel insisted they wait until 7:30 to hit the streets, so, at 7:30, Gabriel, Sam and Samandriel hit the streets of the Novak neighborhood.

Gabriel went from house to house, guiding Sam and Samandriel to the best houses. At 11 pm, they finally surrendered to the night and headed back to the Novak house.

Gabriel offered to let Sam sleep over, and after getting a reluctant 'okay' from Dean, Sam crashed on a mattress on the floor of Gabriel's room. Gabriel fell asleep at midnight, and he slept soundly.

If you can't tell from the chapter, Halloween is actually my favorite holiday. I guess I'm like Gabriel in a few aspects (I'll be 16 by Halloween but I'm still dressing up)
I wrote this chapter in under an hour. If it seems rushed, that's because it is
~ Liz

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