Chapter 10 ~ Hungover Winchesters

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By midnight, Dean was drunk and trying to flirt with some random girl on the dance floor, while Charlie, who was still sober, was tugging him away from said girl.

"Bitch, I'd be damned if I let you hook up with someone before I do." Charlie snapped. "Now, Anna's still not giving up and I need you to shake your ass and help me win this dance competition!"

Jo was still dancing alongside Charlie, also sober. Anna had grabbed some other red haired girl to join her in the dance battle against Jo and Charlie. Jo and Charlie were still winning, and Anna clearly wasn't happy about it.

Sam had managed to sneak outside, and was waiting by Dean's car, watching whatever videos he could find on YouTube.


Gabriel was passed out drunk upstairs, while Lucifer had passed out in Michael's arms, as Michael struggled to carry him to his own room. Castiel was still talking to Benny and Kevin. Balthazar was still managing to drink his ass off somewhere in the house.


Once it hit two am, Sam ran back inside to gather his brother and their friends. Charlie and Jo were now drunk, after they had finally won against Anna once and for all, and took some shots to celebrate.

Dean was managing to actually talk to Lisa, who was drunk as hell. Sam dragged Dean away by the arm, while Charlie, Jo and Meg were dragged off by Kevin and Benny.

"Alright, pile into the car." Benny spoke, as Bobby joined them outside. Sam pushed Dean into the backseat. Bobby, Kevin and Meg took Bobby's car, while Benny managed to push Charlie and Jo into the backseat of the Impala next to Dean. Benny then climbed into the driver's seat, and Sam sat next to him.

Dean, Charlie and Jo all passed out in the back seat on the drive back to the Winchesters house. Benny got there first, and Bobby drove up a minute after. As Benny climbed out of the car, Adam walked outside.

"Is Dean drunk?" He questioned. Sam nodded, and Adam rolled his eyes before going back inside. Sam grabbed Dean and carried him inside, laying him down in Dean's bed. Sam then went back outside and carried Charlie inside, while Benny carried Jo in. Bobby carried Meg inside, and Kevin just followed him. Sam laid Charlie onto a couch, while Kevin pulled out a comforter for Jo and another for Meg.

"Okay, Benny, you can stay in Dean's room, Kevin you can stay in mine, and Bobby can stay in either." Sam announced.

"I'll take Dean's." Bobby stated gruffly.

"Alright, well, I'll see all of you in the morning." Sam spoke before retreating to his room, Kevin following him.


"Ughhhh." Dean moaned as he woke up to a major headache.

"Good to see you up." Benny commented, and Dean groaned.

"What time is it?"

"Eleven am." Benny stated, and Dean groaned again.

"Dammit. Ugh, I regret drinking at all." Dean moaned as the full impact of his hangover crashed down on him.

"I'm sure you do. Anyways, you're the third drunk to wake up. Charlie and Jo are already awake and are practically chugging headache medicine." Benny remarked. Dean got up and walked into the living room, where sure enough, Charlie and Jo were taking headache medicine. Sam was surprisingly still asleep, along with Kevin, Meg and Bobby.

"Mornin' Dean." Charlie grunted as she downed a pill with water. Dean just muttered sleepily in response, before opening a few cabinets in search of food.

"I was about to go get some breakfast, Dean." Benny spoke. "I was just waiting for a few of the others to wake up."

"Oh, ok then." Dean mumbled, walking over and collapsing onto the couch. Charlie soon joined him. "Ay Charlie, didja end up hooking up with anybody?"

"I think so." Charlie muttered, rubbing her head.

"She means yes." Jo commented, glancing over at Charlie.

"Who?" Dean questioned, and Jo pointed to herself. Dean's eyes widened.

"She drunkenly made out with me at 1am." Jo explained, as Charlie groaned. "So technically, you owe me a date Bradbury." Charlie rolled her eyes as Sam suddenly ambled into the room, his hair a mess.

"What about you Dean? You hook up with anyone?" Charlie asked, as Jo just smirked.

"No, unfortunately." He replied. "Hey Sam, didja ever talk to anyone the entire party?"

"Yeah." Sam mumbled.


"Some guy named Gabriel. I think his last name was Novak." Sam explained.

"Gabriel Novak? The Gabriel Novak?" Charlie exclaimed. "Golden hair, short stature, smirk-wearing Gabriel Novak? You talked to him?!"

"Well, technically, he talked to me. Actually, he really just flirted with me." Sam spoke, a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

"Gabriel Novak's flirted with quite a few people, from what I've heard." Charlie spoke. "But it's usually just for fun."

"So he usually doesn't ask them out?" Sam questioned.

"Not that I know of. Why? Did he ask you out?" Charlie asked. Sam fidgeted, and Charlie gasped. "No way."

"Sam, some dude asked you out? What did you say?" Dean exclaimed. "Did you say yes?"

"What else was I supposed to say, Dean? He refused to stop hitting on me unless I did!" Sam cried.

"When's your date?" Charlie questioned. "I'd love to help you get ready."

"It's Sunday, 2pm at the local park." Sam remarked.

"Ooh, can I help you prepare?" Charlie asked with a begging tone. Sam nodded, and Charlie squealed. "Perfect!"

"Wow Sam, this is gonna be your first date in..... How long?" Dean asked.

"A year." Sam deadpanned, and Dean just nodded.

"Morning." Kevin yawned as he walked into the room. Meg was stirring on the couch, and Bobby was still asleep.

"Good morning. Hey Kevin, guess what?" Charlie chirped.


"Sam's got a date with Gabriel Novak." Charlie remarked, and Kevin paused.

"The Gabriel Novak?" Kevin inquired, and Charlie nodded. Sam rolled his eyes, obviously sick of hearing about him and Gabriel having a date.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get breakfast." Benny stated, standing up. After Benny walked out the door, Jo tossed Meg the bottle of headache medicine. Meg caught the bottle and unscrewed the top, taking out two pills before tossing the bottle back to Jo. Jo caught it with ease and put it back in the cabinet, before walking over to Charlie.

"Hey, Charlie, don't forget." Jo remarked.

"Ugh fine, when and where?" Charlie groaned.

"Next Saturday, noon, movies. I want to go see The Purge: Election Year. It came out last month." Jo stated, running a hand through her hair.

"Alright, but you're paying for the tickets." Charlie countered.

"And you're paying for food." Jo retorted, and Charlie reluctantly agreed.

Well I woke up about 25 minutes ago in pain and now that it's passed somewhat I decided to update this story. Also, I have officially converted my mom into a Supernatural fan.
~ Liz

It must be fate (Destiel/Sabriel Highschool AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang